Biological Sciences

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Journals and databases

Journals can be in paper or electronic format, some titles may be in both formats.

Most biological related titles are available at Merchiston Campus Library, but related titles may also be available at other Campus Libraries.

Use NUIN (the library catalogue) to find paper and electronic journals. This will provide information on the years/issues available and access details. N.B You can only search NUIN for journal titles not article titles or content.

To find journal articles you need to use databases. There are two ways to search databases:

NUINLink - this search tool groups electronic databases by subject and enables you to retrieve journal articles by performing a single search on several databases at once. NUINLink can also be used to search for individual electronic journals. N.B not all databases can be searched within NUINLink; some need to be searched individually. Read more information about using NUINLink.

Alternatively, you can search individual databases. Depending on the topic you are working on, you may wish to look at some of the databases of use to other subject areas e.g. Business or Psychology. The most useful for biological sciences are listed below. Some of these sources may provide full text articles (FT):

   * ASFA Aquatic Sciences via CSA Illumina
   * Biological Sciences via CSA Illumina
   * Biology Digest via CSA Illumina
   * Biotechnology and Bioengineering Abstracts via CSA Illumina
   * BHI - British humanities index via CSA Illumina
   * CAB Abstracts via Ovid
   * CSA Illumina (contains multiple databses)
   * Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (some FT)
   * Environmental Management (Info4Education) 
   * Environmental Sciences via CSA Illumina
   * Expanded Academic ASAP (some FT)
   * IngentaConnect (some FT)
   * ISI Web of Knowledge - Science citation index; Social sciences citation index; Web of science conference proceedings.
   * Medline via Ovid
   * Oceanic Abstracts via CSA Illumina
   * Sociological abstracts via CSA Illumina
   * SPORTDiscus via Ebsco
   * Wildpro (some FT)
   * Zetoc - search the British Library's Electronic table of contents 

Internet Journal Lists

   * Chemistry Journals Cambridge University list of Chemisty Journals - some links may lead to the full text of the journals, to tables of contents, or to supplementary material. Please note that Napier University may not have access to the full text of these journals. Check NUIN for Napier access.
   * Harvard Science Review
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