The Prevanian Air Force

From Nova

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The Prevanian Air Force is of a reasonable size, though replacement rates are slow and, as a result, many of the aircraft are old.


Aircraft (primary roles)

Fighter - Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 'Fishbed'

Ground-attack - Sukhoi Su-25 'Frogfoot'

Low-level bomber - Avro Vulcan

Strategic bomber - Tupolev Tu-160 (only 16 aircraft in 2 squadrons)

Tanker - Avro Vulcan, Boeing 707

Reconnaisance - Tupolev Tu-95

Transport - Antonov An-124,

Strategic Space Command

The SSC is part of the PAAF and manages Prevania's GPS satellites, the three-dimensional imageing satellites and spacebased weapons.

Prevanian Global Positioning Network

Used only by the military, this network comprises of 48 satellites in three orbital planes, ensuring that at least 10 can be seen at any time from any point on the Earth's surface.

48 satellites are used instead of the USA's 24 because it gives the system more redundancy, and a high degree of accuracy is needed for both the Prevanian U(C)AV projects and Ultra Low-Level Navigation System used by modified Tupelov 160s and Avro Vulcans.

Prevanian Three-Dimensional Topographical Network

This is a series of 24 satellites in three orbital planes that use laser beams to measure the height of the terrain they are flying over. The satellites send the data down to Prevania, where it is used to create a continuosly updated world map. This then continously updates digital maps stored in the Vulcans, Tu-160s and U(C)AVs, giving them the ability to confidently fly ultra-low-level missions.

The laser beams can be used to an accuracy of 15 millimeters, though this is time-consuming.

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