From Nomicapolis

Revision as of 05:52, 1 June 2007 by BobTHJ (Talk | contribs)
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This is a proposal to enact a rule.
Please contribute to the debate or cast your ballot on the discussion page.

Proposed By: BobTHJ 01:52, 1 June 2007 (EDT)

A Canton Leader may spend Industry Points to build structures in their Canton. All available structures that can be built shall be listed on the Available Structures wiki page.

Each Structure has the following attributes:

  • Type - a name for this type of structure
  • Cost - The number of Industry Points required to build this Structure
  • Effect - A summary of changes that this structure has on its owner Canton while its status is Operating
  • Maintenance - The amount of Industry Points required to maintain this Structure
  • Status - One of the following values: "Operating", "Unstaffed", or "Abandon".

A Canton Leader can build a Structure in their Canton by Game Announcement. To do so, they must reduce the Industry Points for their Canton by the Cost of the chosen structure. A Structure can not be built if its cost would cause it's owner Canton to have a negative number of Industry Points.

A Structure remains in a Canton until it is destroyed, regardless of which player leads that Canton.

On the sixteenth day of each month, for each Canton, the Scorekeeper shall take the following steps for each Structure in that Canton whose Status is not "Abandon", examining Structures in order from oldest to newest:

  1. Set the status of the Structure to "Operating"
  2. If the Canton's Industry Point total is greater than the Structure's Maintenance cost, reduce the Canton's Industry Point total by that Structure's Maintenance cost, then skip all remaining steps.
  3. The Canton Leader's Popularity is reduced by 3.
  4. The Structure's status is set to "Unstaffed"

A Canton Leader may set the Status of any Structure in their Canton to "Abandon" by Game Announcement. A Canton Leader may set the Status of any Abandon Structure in their Canton to "Unstaffed" by Game Announcement, and by paying a number of Industry Points equal to half that Structure's Cost.

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