Category:Cimolesta sentient species

From Nanya

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At first sight, these orders of mammals do not seem to have very much in common but the carnivora, hooved Pantodonta, the insectivorous Didelphodonta (containing the well-known genus Cimolestes, a possible ancestor of the Carnivores) the carnivorous Tillodonta, the Taeniodonta and the Apatotheria. Several groups are believed to have descended from the Cimolesta: the Pholidota (which could be regarded a suborder of Cimolesta), the Creodonta and the Carnivora. Cimolestans had a wide variety of body shapes, dentition and livestyles. The majority of them bore superficial resemblances to rodents, weasels or oppossums.


Cimolesta Sentient Species may propagate within the same order as long as the child is genetically altered but the success is 10%. There is a 80% chance that the child will be sterile. To propagate with another order but within the Mammal kingdom, the success rate of a genetically altered child is 1%. There is a 99% chance that the child of a cross-order relationship will be sterile.

Articles in category "Cimolesta sentient species"

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