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from Modpedia, a Bionicle Encyclopedia

Written by Lady Kopaka

Bionicle Fan-Fiction: Destiny by Lady Kopaka



The silence was haunting at first in the vast city of Kudoka, which was built upon the large looming cliffs of the great sea; only the noise of crashing waves could be heard as they mercilessly battered the rocky shores. For a moment you would think the magnificent and clean city was empty as you looked upon it from the outside while staring at the large walls... at least until you heard the large clamor of the population cheering, drums booming and horns hollowing as Emperor Tennou stepped out from under the shadows of his large kingdom, standing up high on a balcony, and raising his hands to the sky as he was hidden under his traditional robes. The noise echoed throughout the city; heck, it rumbled like thunder. For the reason was it was the eve of war, the beginning for the humans, and the ending for the race known simply as “The Bionicle.”


The noise finally died down as the citizens saw that their Emperor had fully came into view. They all fell silent as they hypnotically stared at his shadowed appearance, glancing here and there at his robes which swayed silently in the breeze that came from the sea. However, no one could miss his straight emotionless face, tight with an inner rage. The Emperor finally raised his hand again to gain the attention of his listeners. “Citizens of our beloved city of Kudoka and our island of Makashi!” His tight, heavy voice boomed throughout the area- much like any leader’s voice would sound, but this man was different from any of the other 30 Emperors that came before him. His plans for the kingdom had shifted from those of the past emperors, for he heard so in the wind of above and the ground from under that it was time to put his strategies into action. The plan would reshape the world- completely. “It has been nearly 300 years since our people have come onto this land,” he continued, “and in that time, our power has stretched beyond Makashi and even the fellow islands of Onar and Raahj! We have become prosperous, destroyed our enemies, and have been enlightened by great and numerous discoveries, but there is but one more enemy that remains- one that poses as a threat to our race. Do not give pity or any second thought to these that I am about to announce, for twice they have tried to assassinate me when I have tried to make it better for my people. They know their end is coming as spoken by the prophecies, and they will do anything to save themselves. They are the lesser of us, and they know that, for we have grown in strength and peace while they still squabble like petty cannibals… Citizens, the Bionicle must fall.” There were no cheers after his last sentence. In their place, there was silence and confusion growing, but each human’s face began to show signs of agreement. They trusted their emperor beyond belief, and their expressions showed this. Most raised their hands and made a loud angry cheer, while some yelled in argument. A guard hit his long staff from up on the balcony, proclaiming order. The people immediately became silent once again. “Do not be surprised, my people! Our enemy is approaching us, but we will stand our ground. The race of Bionicle is a race which has plagued mankind since they had come to our world. They are the ones who cease humanity's evolution with their talk of 'The Three Virtues' and their belief in this ‘Great Spirit’... Lies... It is all lies which the Bionicle are, as we speak, using to pollute our minds with feeble excuses to stay alive! They think that as they believe in this, we should, too? Wrong! Instead of thinking of them as our equals, we should dispose of every last of them! Why, you ask? For I fear they will destroy the human race if we do not take action!” A dark character came out of the shadows from behind the Emperor and bowed. He then stood, came to the Emperor’s ear, and whispered a few muffled sentences. The Emperor nodded patiently and then pointed out to a gong that stood near to him, waiting for his people to see him. “You see this? This will alter the face of mankind. When my servant strikes this gong, it shall ring loud enough to be heard all across the land, and all of the world will know… that it is time. It is time to destroy the Bionicle plague before they destroy us! This shall be for the good off all mankind! For the entire world! It is their end, not ours! Tonight, they shall dine in the Pit… and continue to do so until eternity’s end!” The crowd cheered, but only for a moment. Everything became silent except for the wind, which continued to howl from the sea. Some of the mothers ushered their children into the houses, not letting them understand what drastic things would soon come to pass. The hooded figure raised a large hammer; and, with a mighty swing, he struck the gong. It echoed and howled with a noise that sounded like musical thunder.


The Bionicle were not prepared; no one was prepared. Blood lay splattered everywhere, and frightened screams had come and gone just as fast as they returned. Matoran were the first and quickest to fall, along with the wise counsel of Turaga. The mighty Toa population that had once protected this island had dwindled from the wars a many years ago, but still they fought hard against the armored men that tightly clutched their swords and unleashed their elemental abilities on the Toa- elemental abilities that they used against the very beings that taught them those very abilities! A Toa was shot in the back once- twice- thrice. Within another second his back was covered in steel arrows, and wherever there wasn’t an arrow, there was blood, sweat, and tears. Another had gone insane and started screaming and cursing at both the humans and the Great Beings themselves. He fought victoriously and was with no fear, but after his 80th kill, a spear had flown and cut through the back of his neck. The cries of this brave Toa are no more. Many had glorious and valiant deaths, while others fled with fear from the mass armies. Fire scorched the land, arrows blotted out the sun, and death filled the air completely. For 10 days was there blood shed from these wars at the footsteps for the Shoun Temple. That is, until it was breached, leading to the collapse of the statue of Mata Nui. At this very moment, all was lost for the Bionicle race. No more did the hope and bravery of the Bionicle race ring that day. There was no more to be rung. Even if hope had been lost that day, the one and only Toa who had survived knew better, though it pained him to see the deaths of thousands of his kin with his anger burning against his foes. He closed his eyes and prayed that Mata Nui had not forgotten them. …and He had not.

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