RCP comment on Tooke review of MMC

From Mmc

RCP comment on Tooke review of MMC

Professor Ian Gilmore, President of the Royal College of Physicians, commenting on 'Aspiring to Excellence', the Independent Inquiry into Modernising Medical Careers, led by Professor Sir John Tooke, said:

"We are encouraged by this sensible report which we will be taking forward to consult with our Fellows and Members over the coming months.

We particularly welcome Sir John's strong support for helping junior doctors caught up in this sorry episode. (Recommendation 15)

We are delighted that we are returning to models of education that encourage excellence rather than mediocrity, and flexibility rather than rigidity. (Recs 31-36)

The recommendations on strengthening medical leadership (Recs 18-20) echo those of our 2005 report on medical professionalism ‘Doctors in Society'. Our planned work on ‘future patient, future doctor' will contribute to providing clarity to the role of the doctor, called for in Sir John's report." (Rec 5)

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