College of Emergency Medicine

From Mmc

MTAS Update - 9 March 2007

Message from the CEM President

I realise just how much concern there is about this issue and the College will try to keep you informed as soon as we receive information. The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges have started the review of the process and I reproduce the latest press release from that group. For those who have not read the Academy initial press release from 5th March, I would urge them to do so:

It is clear that many aspects of the process did not work. Due to the hard work of many senior EM doctors short listing was possible. The College has been collecting information form juniors who feel they may have been disadvantaged. The numbers at present are small (still in single figures) but we are aware that this may still be more who have not yet contacted the College. Could trainers and trainees please contact the College with if there are specific cases of concern. Trainers are feeding back comments about the process through STC chairs to the Training Standards Committee. Comments to The College is clear that the programme set up by EM for run-through training represents a great opportunity to improve training and provide more training opportunities for young doctors. It is important that it is understood the problem has been with the selection process rather than with the training programme.

If you have any comments please let us know.

Jim Wardrope 8/3/07

CEM President

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