07 March 07 Press release

From Mmc

Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (RCPE) Press Release 7 march 07

RCPE comment on government decision to review Medical Training Application Service (MTAS) for doctors’ training

The Department of Health has announced that it is to order a full review of the Medical Training Application Service (MTAS), which has resulted in many junior doctors throughout the country missing out on specialist training places. The Department of Health has also confirmed that a small working group will be established immediately to oversee this review and that Prof Neil Douglas, President of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, will chair this group.

Prof Neil Douglas, President of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, said,

“It is clear that MTAS has caused confusion and concern to many doctors throughout the UK. I am pleased that the Department of Health has recognised the severity of the situation and has ordered an immediate review to identify what went wrong and to ensure that such mistakes are not made again. It is clear that lessons will have to be learned from this experience if we are to restore professional confidence in this system.

Speaking on his appointment to the review group, Prof Douglas said,

“I am delighted to have been appointed to this group and will endeavour to ensure that doctors’ concerns regarding this system are heard and I will work with other group members to ensure that the review is completed speedily and its recommendations implemented prior to round two for applications.”


Contact: Graeme McAlister on 0131-247-3693 or 07808-939395

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