Xyrinfe Shadow

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Revision as of 16:47, 22 June 2021 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
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Xyrinfe Shadow is a canon work planned by Cibryll for the Xyrinfe Shadow Project.

It takes place within the Orejynn galaxy of the Prymordeal Realm of the Sköll universe, mostly on the planet of Begynn.




These are characters who appear in Xyrinfe Shadow.

Major female characters

Major male characters

Major non-binary or genderless characters

Minor female characters

Minor male characters

Minor non-binary or genderless characters

The Relinquished

Note: This section lists only Relinquished who possess humanoid forms and intellect. Their name origins are also listed.



On Begynn

Once (Begynn continent)

Deuce (Begynn continent)

Tierce (Begynn continent)

Phierce (Begynn continent)

Quince (Begynn continent)

Sence (Begynn continent)

Sivence (Begynn continent)

Octence (Begynn continent)

Ninence (Begynn continent)

Denarence (Begynn continent)

Elevence (Begynn continent)

Twelvence (Begynn continent)

Thirtence (Begynn continent)

Fourtence (Begynn continent)

Area not known

On Zeronce (Begynn moon)

On Ehnd

On Shidef (Ehndan moon)

In Orejynn



Planning for the work began on 21 February 2021. It was envisioned as an action RPG, much like the Kingdom Hearts works.


Xyrinfe Shadow has not yet been released.


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