Gwyneth O'Connors

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Gwyneth Chyrissé O'Connors is the second and current Greater Overseer of Xyrinfe.



Gwyneth has long, straight black hair, with blue eyes and fair skin. On her lower back is a small, crescent moon-shaped birthmark.


Gwyneth's casual attire consists of a crimson halterneck top with long sleeves, short black fingerless gloves, navy blue knee-length shorts over tan pantyhose, white socks, and viridian and amber running shoes.

Her school uniform consists of a white sleeveless top with a navy blue collar, a red tie, a navy blue miniskirt, black thigh-high socks, and black Mary-Jane shoes. On a cold day, she adds black shoulder-length gloves and a black jacket.

Gwyneth's gas mask is a black twin-filter type-3 gas mask, with reddish-pink lenses.




Prior to Xyrinfe Shadow

Gwyneth was born on the Sacred Isles, a group of volcanic islands on the planet Begynn, found in the Orejynn galaxy of the Prymordeal Realm in Sköll.

Until after her seventeenth birthday, she lived a relatively normal life.

In Xyrinfe Shadow

At the Sacred Isles

At some point after her seventeenth birthday, the Sacred Isles are attacked by unknown creatures while she slept. When she woke, the Isles were mysteriously void of people, and, wearing a protective mask, she went out in search of people. She was attacked by one of the creatures, but she survived thanks to volcanic gases in the air, which appeared suddenly and killed the monster. Believing it to have been the volcano itself saving her, she goes to a shrine on the highest point of the island to thank the volcano.

At the Final Station

She kills Jastrimo Grawiskiel, thus saving Xyrinfe from being plunged into eternal darkness. As a result of his death, the Relinquished fade away, and Gwyneth becomes the new Greater Overseer.


  • She shares her first name with that of Cibryll's sock-puppet, Gwyneth.
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