
From Jolkein

A galaxy is a massive, gravitationally bound assemblage of stars , an interstellar medium of gas and dust, and an unknown type of dark matter. Typical galaxies contain ten million to one trillion (107 to 1012) stars, all orbiting a common center of gravity. Galaxies could also contain a large number of star systems and star clusters as well as black holes and various types of nebulae .

The Intergalactic Void is the space between the galaxies.


[edit] Types of Major Stellar Groups

[edit] Major Galaxy

A Major Galaxy, Sph, is any massive stellar collection which has a minimum size of 25,000 Light Years (LY) across. Generally, this types of galaxies have satellite galaxies which travels with them through the cosmos. Major galaxies and other types of galaxies, generally are member of larger galactic groups and even larger galactic clusters. A supermassive black hole resides in the core of the galaxy and are usually located at the gravitational center of the galaxy.

[edit] Minor Galaxies

[edit] Dwarf Galaxy

A Dwarf Galaxy, dSph, is a less massive stellar collection than a regular galaxy. They are typically between 1,000 LY to 25,000 LY across and travels with a major galaxy or with its own satellite galaxies. In their core resides a black hole which its members orbit.

[edit] Subdwarf Galaxy

A Sub dwarf Galaxy, ddSph, is the smallest type of galaxy in this universe and typically measures between 100 to 1,000 LY across and home to no more than a billion stars. Sub dwarf galaxies tends to group together as a galactic groups typically made up of other sub dwarf galaxies. In other times, they accompany larger galaxies as satellites and travel the cosmos together.

[edit] Cluster

A Stellar Cluster or Cluster is a stellar collection smaller than a sub dwarf galaxy and generally are satellites of the latter. They are normally less a hundred (100) light years (LY) across and home to no more than a hundred million stars. At times a cluster is accompanied by satellite extragalactic stellar cloud and they tend to group together as a galactic group together with other clusters or with other sub dwarf galaxies.

[edit] Cloud

An Extragalactic Stellar Cloud or Cloud is a small stellar collection typically smaller than a cluster and are generally satellites of other stellar collections. They are very small and hosts no more than a million stars.

[edit] Galactic Group

A Galactic Group is a collection of galaxies or stellar groups which orbits a common center of gravity. They are gravitationally bound to a point in space which allows them to travel as a group. Typically a galactic group consists of as few as three stellar groups to a hundred. Some galactic groups tends to be a member of an even larger Galactic Clusters.

[edit] Galactic Cluster

A Galactic Cluster is a massive collection of galactic groups which travels space together. Members of this cluster typically orbit a common center of gravity and are gravitationally bound to each other.

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