
From Jolkein

Easting, is the official language of most nations in the HEXARCHY. It is a descendant of the now defunct language of the former kingdom of BRIGONIA, due to this fact many of the words in the EASTING can be found also in the lexicon of the BRIGONIAN language. Examples of these words includes: Academia, Sciençoj, Valwydd, Alfhornd which when translated becomes Academy, Science, King, University respectively. The Easting language came to being when the Kingdom of Brigonia and its former territories gain their independence and found the need to have a new language, the new language they created was a combination of many local dialects and of the national language of Brigonia. The project was initiated by the Faculty of Languages in the Royal University of Brigonia in the country of EALING under the order of the Archduke of the time to maintain a language which can be understood by most people in the HEXARCHY in the absence of Brigonian Language. The project took several years to complete and several more years to be implemented and be used. The first nation to completely recognize the Easting as their national language were the nations of RUSKIN, TAFF, and WIRRAL, with the last nation to adopt it is the country of EALING, and until now EALING still use the Brigonian language but they call it in another term as the EALINGAN EASTING, to prevent any conflicts with any other countries. Easting is also the language used as medium of instruction in most educational institutions and the international communicative language of the HEXARCHY. Each five years the University of Brigonia Press, the publisher of the lexicon, publishes an updated version of the lexicon or dictionary of the Easting language. This dictionaries are available for view in many libraries around the HEXARCHY, however the University of Brigonia Central Library updates their copy of the dictionary every year, and is the basis of the supplements to other versions of the dictionary.

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