File verify

From Joe



File verify Thanks guys, I just about lost it lonokig for this.


  • File verify auto
  • No file verify auto

I was so conufsed about what to buy, but this makes it understandable.

If you view the dollar price per bcitoin on an exponential scale, it oscillates and increases consistently, which means it will probably continue increasing in value exponentially and the recent crash in the Bitcoin economy on an exponential scale looks like normal oscillation and not a crash at all.Why should people invest in dollars which consistently go down in value, and have recently nearly crashed but were bailed out, when they can invest in a kind of money that consistently increases in value?One of the bigger advantages of Bitcoins is nobody, not even the Federal Reserve if it was made into law, can create more Bitcoins except in the slow way that was decided and set-in-stone when the Bitcoin network was booted up. The Federal Reserve has been taxing all dollars by printing more dollars which causes inflation, which reduces the value of every dollar, which is a tax on the value of all dollars, a secret tax since government does not call it a tax. Since the USA government is not willing to call inflation a tax, they have no legal basis for creating an inflation tax in Bitcoins, if it were even possible. That's a major advantage for Bitcoins They have no leak to suck the value out of.Plus they're very much in demand by people who want to move money secretly, you know like politicians who want to receive their bribes with no paper trail. That's going to very much up the price of Bitcoins.Let it be mostly an investment for now. Later people will see that their good investment is also a good way to automate money systems, like connecting open-source software to payment systems without going through banks.



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