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Programming with graphical support is the 4-th level of high-level programming languages. UML is one of the graphical languages.

Other languages are Simulink, Simplorer and such those graphical environments for controlling.

A user can use that graphic languages without knowledge of detailed thinks of source code programming. It is an important advantage. A user can consider the own problems, not the problems of implementation.

The graphical languages should described the structures of connections of blocks etc. in netlists or such adequate. Using that connection lists a line source code can be generated which regards some conditions of deployment of the target platform. The C-language should be the first choosing, because the C language is the usual base language for all platforms.

The generated C-sources should be able to read and understand by a usual C programmer, but they shouldn't be adapted and corrected to introduce implementation details. It is similar to list files to view an assembler code which is compiled from C- sources. It may be able to view and understand but never changed.

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