List of Cousins

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Along With The Prince of All Cosmos, There are many cousins that you can play as, too.

First Appearing in Katamari Damacy

In Katamari Damacy, there are twenty-three cousins. Their in-game description and heights are given here. The heights do however change across levels in We Love Katamari.

Ace: "He loves staring into the mirror. Always wants to look good to others, but no one is actually watching." He is orange with a football-shaped head and is 1.461 meters tall. His bio in We Love Katamari is "A cousin that switched butts to a spiker model. It hasn't been generating much buzz." Colombo: "He dislikes summer because of his thick body hair. He and Lalala are mutually attracted." He is covered in brown hair, like a dog. He is also 68.7 centimeters tall. Dipp: "He lives for attention and goes clubbing with Peso every night." He is covered with flashing lights, and is 1.375 meters tall. Foomin: "Very fashion conscious. She seems to get along with Shikao, and she asks him to tape things for her a lot." She is light blue and has a head shaped like the goal post on an American football field. She is 68.2 centimeters tall. Fujio: "One of the best-liked members of the Royal Family. But not a happy camper when woken up in the morning." He is blue with a cone-shaped head. He is 1.515 meters tall. Havana: "Takes up too much room in group photos, so he has a solo portrait taken on a separate day". He is red, with an unusually oblong-shaped head, and is 8.2 centimeters tall. Honey: "She always messes things up, but it's hard to hate her because she's so cute!" She is pink with a barbell-shaped head. She is 1.58 meters tall. Ichigo: "She's very jealous, and always wants to be the center of attention. She considers Honey to be her rival." She is polka-dotted white and red, resembling a strawberry, and is 68.7 centimeters tall. Johnson: "From the side, he looks exactly like the Prince seen from the back. Not even We can tell them apart." He is green, with a cylinder-shaped head. He is 76.9 centimeters tall. June: "Born in June and a complete innocent. Jokes are completely lost on her. It always rains when she goes out." She is white with blue spots, and is 1.375 meters tall. Jungle: "He loves playing hide-and-seek, but he hides in the same place every time." He wears camouflage, with a normal-sized, oblong-shaped head, and is 6.8 centimeters tall. Kuro: "A solitude loving lone-wolf. He dislikes forming bonds, but We heard he ended up here after getting lost." He is black, is a reference to the Henshin genre, and 70.8 centimeters tall. Lalala: "A true free spirit, hating even the confines of clothing. Some call it exhibitionism." She doesn’t wear clothes and is 14.0 centimeters tall. Marcy: "She's very temperamental. On weekends, she can't decide whether to stay in or go out." She wears many different colors, and is 6.8 centimeters tall. Marny: "He can withstand high water pressure. He doesn't even appear to be a blood relative." His entire body is a sphere, and he swims avidly. He is 92.1 centimeters in diameter. Miso: "She pretends to be thinking and is blissfully free of anything resembling thought." She is maroon and has a head shaped like a cup of miso soup. She is 1.463 meters tall. Nickel: "He can move around for an hour for every 6 hours of charge. He doesn't speak much to save his battery." He is gray and apparently battery-powered. He is 69.9 centimeters tall. He is a robot. Nik: "Loves eating, and has mastered the art of talking with a full mouth. No one understands a word." He is 80.8 centimeters tall, and yellow. He is also obese. Odeko: "He's so vain he even stretched his head in order to look taller. Tries to act nonchalant." He is purple, and has a high, tubular-shaped head. He is only 7.5 centimeters tall. Opeo: "He looks ill all the time, but contrary to his sickly appearance, he has an intense vitality." He is blue-skinned, unlike all of the other cousins. He is white with gray stripes and has a hole in the middle of himself. He is 68.7 centimeters tall as well. Peso: "Came all this way to be a star dancer, but he hasn't had a lot of opportunities for that this time around." He is gray and has a water-drop shaped head. He is 72.1 centimeters tall. Shikao: "He's very square. He came to Earth to check out all of the new TV programs." He is orange with a cube-shaped head. He is 1.331 meters tall. Velvet: "So haughty that she actually floats 2 cm off the ground." She is light purple and floats by way of a hovercraft, but appears to have no legs. She is 61.7 centimeters tall.

First Appearing in We ♥ Katamari There are many more cousins in We ♥ Katamari and they can be used to roll the katamari by the player. Height is not given here, as the cousins appear in multiple levels and have no continuity of size, sometimes being smaller than pencils, and in other levels, being as much as one kilometer tall. It should be noted that all cousins appearing on We ♥ Katamari are second cousins.

Beyond: "A healthy second cousin who eats only fruits and vegetables. The pants he's wearing are custom made." He is tall, and has pearl-grey skin and a tail. Can-Can: "A stubborn second cousin. When he disagrees with something, he rotates his head so fiercely that it catches fire." He has a green spindle-shaped head that constantly rotates. Daisy: "A second cousin who's pink feet shoot out milk, making it hard for her to run. A mammal who is loose with her time." She has skin like a Holstein cow, with udders for feet. Drooby: "This second cousin has strength and flexibility. She can tell how well done a roast is with her fingertip." She is a boxy-looking purple cousin with a drill for a body. Huey: "A timid second cousin who's always worried about other people. Praise him, and his face just lights up. How pure." He is a green cousin with two antennae. Kinoko: "A slightly annoying second cousin who kicks up lots of dust whenever she moves. So she doesn't move much, out of courtesy." She looks like an orange and green mushroom. L'Amour: "This second cousin is like Cupid. The hearts on her body change whenever she gets a couple together." She looks like a pink caterpillar. She has no visible feet. Lucha: "This second cousin is a masked professional wrestler. He is very protective of his personal life." He is dressed as a luchador. Macho: "The upside-down triangle look of this second cousin has been with him since birth. He looks strong, but he's a pacifist who hates fighting." He is a muscular purple cousin with green pants. Miki: "This second cousin wants to be in the top three in whatever she does. But she usually ends up in 6th place." She is yellow and has three antennae. Nutsuo: "This second cousin's hands could never, ever reach his face. We wonder how he eats his food?" He has a blue and white striped body shaped like a peanut. Odeon: "We are not sure where the neck is on this second cousin. He always needs help putting on a scarf." He looks like the Prince except the red ball on the antenna is actually his head. Signolo: "Not even this second cousin knows which is his real face. Good at switching from one to the other to keep people guessing." He is white and blue, and has three faces resembling traffic signals. Shy: "A gold medallist second cousin who can swim the 100 m freestyle without lifting her face to breathe." She is blue, and has a head like a diving helmet. Slip: "A second cousin who can move through the air on windy days. His presence is slight." He looks like the Prince, only with a two-dimensional body. Twinkle: "A second cousin who damages things just by walking around, including himself. But he is still a nice guy." He is yellow, and is shaped like a four-pointed yellow star.

First Appearing in Me and My Katamari

More cousins make their first appearance in Me and My Katamari. The King of All Cosmos tends to call them "rookies" when they are rolled up.

Ban-Ban: "Very proud of his speedy, spinning levitation move. Very manly, but also likes eating sweets." He is white and shaped like a doughnut. Hans: "Has the perfect body for lying around and watching TV. He is always tripping over things." He is cyan and has a rice bowl for a head, his face being on top. Kenta: "Surprisingly slow at running. He claims he can run very fast if he really wanted to". He looks like the Prince, except he has two extra legs. Mu: "A second cousin who likes black clothes. He makes it a rule to always keep his promises." He is black all over, except for 4 white dots where his face should be. Nai-Nai: "A very shy second cousin. She will keep her face hidden unless she is in a very good mood." She is yellow and looks, and opens, like a box. Norn: "Sensitive to the cold. He always has cold hands, but his heart is full of passion. Likes goldfish." He is sky blue and looks like an up-side down bucket, long legs. Paula: "A strange girl who keeps her pet duck in her room. Her parents are very rich." She is pink with her head being shaped like a flower. Pokkle: "A Prince from a magic country. He’s made so many friends that he’s forgotten to go home." He looks like a human and has a tall hat.

It should be noted that the other cousins from Katamari Damacy go through various changes. For example, the hole in Opeo's stomach is replaced by a cast on his left leg, Fujio has a moustache, and Odeko is much taller (vantage point remains the same, of course.)

It appears there is also a Pac-Man based cousin in Beautiful Katamari. Other details remain unknown.

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