Kiss/Hug Qualifier

From Genco

Fellas, I was out at the bars a few weekends ago and I invented a great new qualifier. I was with my friends and we kept seeing this group of girls all wearing black cocktail dresses and looking too-cool-to-talk-to-anyone. They were all 7s or better, the hottest being a tall blonde with huge boobs, so naturally she became my target. I opened the set by negging them for wearing matching outfits and not calling each other ahead of time to avoid such a faux pas. With a little more banter I won over the whole group and introduced my friends. During the conversation I kept negging the tall blonde and interrupting her whenever she tried to say something snobbish. Finally she came around and was showing IOIs. That's when I came up with this awesome qualifier:

Wick (to group): I have a theory... I believe that girls can be only one of two things... They can either be good kissers and bad huggers, or bad kissers and good huggers. Girls: blah blah, that doesn't make sense, girls can be good at both, blah blah Wick: Okay then, let's put it to the test. Tall girl, I want you to give me your best hug. I'm really serious. Take a minute and think about how you want to do this. There's a lot riding on this one hug. (Then I held open my arms and made her come to me while everyone watched). (I'll admit her boobs made for one of the best hugs I've ever had, and normally I could care less how good a girl hugs, I only care how she kisses and how she fucks.) Wick: Oh that was terrible! That was one of the worst hugs ever! But I have a feeling that you hugged me bad on purpose just so I'd think you're a good kisser!

She was totally blushing at this point and didn't know what to say. She was grinning and obviously felt really attracted. I number closed her and told her she could kiss me if she wanted to. I got the number and a kiss on the lips.

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