
From Gazebo Canopies

Hm. I don't know what technified sun coeffe production is. maybe people reading the abstract will know, but my feeling is that it wouldn't hurt to define that term here (even in parenthesis after the word production).i don't see run on sentences, and abstracts are usually one paragraph so i see no problem with that.the sentence that begins, Farmers have cut down I would change just a bit to but at the cost of increased soil erosion, the addition of pesticides and fertilizers, and loss of biodiversity. (i think the word biodiversity would be enough.)the sentence that begins Plant data was collected i think i'd take rephrase to Plant data was collected on tree height, shade intensity, shade radius and diameter, number of species of ground-level flora in the fields, and ground cover percentages. the next sentence i'd just put Soil samples were collected, color classified and submitted to a lab for chemical and organic matter analysis. last one i'd switch to Though there was no significant relationship found between shade and soil [composition or color], a relationship was discovered between soil organic matter and plant biodiversity. or something like that as far as it not being a new issue, that's just silly. just because it's known in costa rica doesn't mean that there's been a lot of SCIENTIFIC research done on it, and everyone involved in the sciences knows that one of the most important things about scientific experimentation is to have it replicated. sounds like you have a great article on your hands there!

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