Jianyu Ako

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Revision as of 23:15, 10 July 2009 by (Talk)
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[edit] Mechanics

[edit] General Information

Name: Jianyu Ako
Caste: Endings
Motivation: To discover an implement an alternate solution to the “Solar Problem” in light of the Jade Prison's failure.

[edit] Attributes

Strength **
Dexterity ***
Stamina **

Charisma ***
Manipulation ****
Appearance **

Intelligence ****
Wits ***
Perception ****

[edit] Abilities

  • Awareness ****
  • Bureaucracy ****
  • Integrity ****
  • Martial Arts *****
  • Medicine ****
  • Melee ***
  • Occult ***
  • Lore ***
  • Thrown ****

Linguistics **
Stealth ***
Socialize **
Dodge ***
Investigation ***
Presence *

[edit] Backgrounds

Backing (Night Sky Regime) ***
Mentor **
Celestial Manse (Gem of Perfected Form) ***
Wealth *
Connections (Military) **
Artifact (Perfect Talon Dagger) *
Artifact (Starmetal Reinforced Buff Jacket) *
Arsenal **

[edit] Colleges

Sword **
Crow ***
Corpse **

[edit] Virtues

Conviction ***
Temperance ****
Valor ***
Compassion **

Willpower *** *** *
Essence ***

[edit] Charms

Secrets of Future Strife
Flight of Mercury
Joy in Adversity Stance
Blade of the Battle Maiden
Violet Bier of Sorrows Form
Willful Weapon Method
Peaceable Conclusion
Terminate Illness
Blinding the Boar
Wise Choice
Prior Warning
Icy Hand
Efficient Secretary Technique

[edit] Fluff

[edit] Background and Outlook

The plan for the Usurpation was certainly necessary, even laudable – the first thing that Ako learned growing up on an Eastern farm is that there's a season for everything – reaping, sowing, harvesting, growing, building and tearing down, and if you let something live past its time, then it will disrupt the cycle and, eventually, bring ruin to the entire system.

One of the other lessons Ako learned on the fringes of Creation was that when you come up with a plan, and it doesn't work, then you can't waste time trying – foolishly – to make that plan work. Some things just aren't fated to be. The Usurpation worked, if for no other reason than that it tore down a hierarchy that supported the excesses of the Solars and put them on roughly equal footing with their Sidereal and Lunar counterparts. The Jade Prison, the lynch pin of the next stage of the Sidereal's great plan, however, was not so successful, and – to Ako, at least, that failure was very telling. Maybe it was fate, as ironic as that thought might be. Perhaps the Maidens, silent as they were when this began, had finally stepped in to make their will known. Maybe it was just the way things were meant to be, and something like the Jade Prison is just a functional impossibility. Why it wouldn't work is less important to Ako than that it didn't work, and the young Sidereal's time in the field has only served to reinforce his belief that an alternate solution to the “Solar Problem” must be found. He has no idea what it is – maybe it's reconciliation and the birth of a new Deliberative (though with a stronger Sidereal and Lunar presence, of course), or maybe it's the complete destruction of the Solar shards (if such a thing is possible), but it is obvious to Ako that the current situation is completely untenable, and rather than attempting to try to make a plan work that is obviously doomed to failure, the Night Sky Regime should be looking for new options and possibilities. The point of Ending something, after all, is to make room for something new.

[edit] Appearance

Ako is a tall, slender man, standing well over six feet tall with a whipcord thin build and shaggy silver hair that shadows his dark purple eyes and narrow, fine-boned face. He almost always has a wry smile on his lips, as though amused by some profound joke of the Maidens, and usually dresses in surpassingly simple clothing – though he's almost never without his reinforced buff jacket, its hardened fabric woven from special fibers that give the purple and black colours an ever shifting, etherial quality accented by the glint of slender wires of starmetal that run throughout. It's his habit to wear the coat draped across his shoulder, foregoing the use of the sleeves except when in a fight. In addition to his prized, artifact “hunting dagger”, he keeps a row of thin, sharp knives ready at hand, and has many non-artifact blades secreted throughout his person and in his jacket. Further, he wears his hearthstone on a simple chain of starmetal draped around his neck.

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