Attack of the Clones,Super Ed Bros

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[edit] Attack of the Clones

It was a normal day in the Mushroom Kingdom. Mario was beating up Bowser. Luigi tripped him, and Bowser fell under a Thwomp, which crushed him. “AAAHHH! I’ve been crushed!”

Mario posed triumphantly on the Thwomp. “Well, Bowser, we win again!”

“You know I’m just going to be back in an over-hyped sequel...”

“We’ll be waiting!” said Luigi.

In reality, this was all some irritating story that Calvin was narrating to his friends. Accompanying it was a crude crayon drawing. “And so, Mario and Luigi went home and ate pasta! The end.”

The audience, Kevin, Ed, Edd, Eddy, Jason, stuffed Hobbes, and Marcus, sat in front of him, slightly shocked and disturbed. They each had a review:

“Your dorky story sucked!”-Kevin.

“It was predictable.”-Edd

“It was stupid!”-Eddy

“What just happened?”-Ed

“I don’t wanna talk about it...”-Jason

“That was a waste of time.”-Marcus

“Forget it!” Calvin argued to the kids walking away. “My story was the best story ever! AND YOU KNOW IT!”

“Well, that’s all coming from you,” said Hobbes. “I admit that you can’t write your own adventure, but you can choose it.”

Calvin was confused. “Is that an insult?”

“No, of course not! (You’re too slow to even NOTICE when I insult you...)”

“Keep talking, before my mind wanders,” said Calvin.

“I’m saying that there are choose your own adventure books right here...and they’re about the Mario Brothers!” Hobbes ran into a back closet and threw Calvin a book.

“Really? I never noticed them before.”

“You wouldn’t.”

“Did you insult me again?”

“Just read the stupid book.”

Calvin opens the book which was called “Double Trouble.” In the book, Mario was running through the Mushroom Kingdom. “Mario was running around one day in the Mushroom Kingdom,” narrated Calvin. “When he got to the castle, he noticed something was wrong.”

“What’s going on in the castle?” Mario asked when he arrived. It was an odd sight...There was two of everyone! Two Princess Peaches ran over.

“Mario!” cried the first one. “Look at this!”

“There are clones of everyone!” cried the second one.

“Including me!” they both said at once. “We don’t know who’s real and who’s a clone!”

“Uh-oh. What do I do?”

“Do something!” yelled the Peaches.

One Mallow ran over. “I know! We can look at everyone with a magnifying glass!”

“Yeah!” said the other Mallow. “The clones could have scales or something!”

“Who’s got a magnifying glass?” asked Mario.

One Toad ran over. “I’ve got one, Mario!”

“Hey, that’s mine!” said the other Toad, trying to take it.

“Shut up, you clone!”

“Look who’s talking! You’re the clone!”

“Give me the magnifying glass,” said Mario. He inspected the first Toad. “You’re normal...” Mario looked at the second Toad. “Hey, close’re made of sand!”

“I knew he was a clone!” said the real Toad.

“There’s sand in the Koopahari Desert!” realized one of the Mallows. “I bet that’s where the clones are coming from!”

“What kind of logic is that?” asked a Luigi.

Mario ignored Luigi and ran off into the Koopahari Desert...A.K.A. Desert Land...A.K.A. Desert, forget it! It’s just gonna be called the Koopahari Desert!

“Somewhere, out there, the Koopas are up to something...”

Calvin suddenly put down the book. “Okay, the book says I can take the long route or the short route...which way do I go?”

“It says the shortcut is dangerous,” Hobbes pointed out.

“Who cares? I always take life’s shortcuts, and I’m fine!”


In the book, Mario took the shortcut, as Calvin wanted. He ended up in front of a long path of Firey Chain Chomps. He started to cross their path, trying to avoid the fire chomps as best as he could. “Mama mi-a! This is a tricky route! I can’t believe the guy reading this chose this path! Some lack of taste!”

“Hey!” said Calvin. “Mario insulted me! Just for that, I’m gonna guide him in the wrong direction!”

Mario ended up running right into the Chain Chomp and caught on fire. He bounced around with a smoking butt. “Owowowowowowowow! Game over!”

“Ha!” laughed Calvin. “I showed that guy a lesson! Italian Plumbers from Brooklyn should never insult a kid in a desert!”

“But now that you’ve killed off Mario, you’ll have nothing to do,” said Hobbes.

“Oops,” said Calvin, realizing Hobbes was right. “Well, those clones gave me a good idea! I’ll make a cloning machine!”

Hobbes shuddered, looking back on previous cloning machines. “We’ve done that already! And all the times we did, the clones messed something up and nearly ruined you life!”

“That’s because I bothered to give them emotions and personalities!” reasoned Calvin. “This time, I’ll set the clones to mindless servant drones!”

Soon, Calvin had a cardboard box set up to be a cloning machine (meaning it was just an open box sitting on its’ side). He stepped inside. “Okay, Hobbes! Turn the dial to ‘mindless servant drones!’”

Hobbes looked at the dials. “Okay, but why is there a setting that says ‘super strong evil world domination-bent?’”

“That’s in case I ever want to take over the world! Okay, Hobbes, now just press the button, and I’ll be cloned!”

“There is no button!” said Hobbes.

“Darn! I forgot to make one!” Calvin popped his head out. “You go make a button. I’ll stay here.” He sunk back into his box.

Hobbes walked away, doing a little rant to himself. “It’s always Hobbes that has to make the buttons...I don’t see that little brat going off and doing actual work...”

As soon as Hobbes left, Jason walked over to the box and saw the “super strong evil world domination-bent” label. “Cool!” Jason set the dial to evil (for no real reason) and walked away. Calvin didn’t notice because he was still in the box.

Hobbes returned with the button. “Okay, I’m ready.” Hobbes pressed the button and a loud “BOINK” echoed through the whole building.

Jimmy heard the boink and hid behind Sarah. “CALVIN, YOU IDIOT!” she yelled. “YOU SCARED JIMMY!”

“What in the world was that?” squeaked Jimmy.

“That was scientific progress!” Calvin proudly announced from inside the box.

“Scientific progress goes ‘boink?’” said Edd.

A few clones, looking exactly like Calvin, peeked out with evil looks on their faces. “So this is the world...” said one of them.

“Hey!” yelled the real Calvin. “Only talk when I say so!”

“You can’t tell us what to do!” snapped one of the clones. “We’re gonna go...uh... take over the world!” Laughing, the clones ran off to do some lasting damage.

Calvin inspected his cloning machine. “Hey! Someone set this on evil! This is bad!” Calvin looked into the hall. A ton of clones were loose and trashing the place with their super strength. “Holy---what are we gonna do!”

Hobbes rolled his eyes. “Well, we could stop them...”

“We’ll be killed out there!” exclaimed Calvin as a trash can flew by. “There’s only one thing to do! Leave the planet!”

“We’re not going back on Mars, are we?” Hobbes recalled their brief visit to the Red Planet.

“No...we’re going into the Mushroom Kingdom!”

“How?” asked Hobbes.

“Easy!” Calvin grabbed a pencil and wrote something in the Mario book. “You see, these choose your own adventure books are full of options! So if I write down the option to jump into the book, we can do it!”

Calvin and Hobbes jumped in, as if warping, and landed next to Mario in the desert.

“I thought Mario was dead!” whispered Hobbes,

“We’re a few pages before the Fire Chomps,” explained Calvin. “We’ll warn him to take the long way this time!”

Mario noticed the two. “Hey, who are you guys?”

“We’re Calvin and Hobbes!” Calvin proudly announced. He paused and added, “And you should have known that. See, we’re having clone problems in the real world!”

“You mean earth? It’s nice to see a real human...and a tiger.”

“We’re here to tell you to take the long route and not the short one!” warned Hobbes.

“So you guys have been to the Koopahari Desert?”

Calvin thought for a minute. “Let’s just say we read a lot about it.”

They all started on the long path through the desert. Suddenly, two large Koopas dropped in front of them, each one wearing a helmet.

“It’s the Boomerang Brothers!” cried Mario.

“Hey, what are those little things in the sand?” grunted one of them.

“They look like little sausages!” said the other one. The hungry Boomerang Brothers tossed a few boomerangs at them.

Mario jumped out of the way. “And you said the SHORTCUT was bad!”

The boomerangs flew back and hit the trio on the heads. They soon found themselves stuffed into a huge sack full of orange peels.

“Sorry, Mario...” sighed Calvin, “it was either this or Fire Chomps.”

“What’s really sad is I’ll never be able to find out where those clones are coming from,” Mario said lowly. “I’ve let my friends down.”

Calvin brightened up. “Don’t be so goody-goody!” He jumped onto a big orange peel. “People don’ play video games for morals...just violence and adventure! Violence got us into this, and I’m sure it’ll get us out!”

Meanwhile, the Boomerang Bros. were walking down the desert path when a huge Chain Chomp rushes out, barking. The Boomerang Bros. screamed and ran in terror, dropping the sacks. Hobbes peeked out. “Hey, we’re alive!”

Calvin emerged next. “Yeah! We ARE alive!” They noticed the Chain Chomp. “We’re dead.”

After running for their lives, the three heros eventually came across a large fortress. “A Koopa fortress!” said Mario. “Inside of that little castle, we’ll find our clone answer!”

They cautiously entered the murky dwelling.

“What a dirty place...” commented Hobbes.

Suddenly, the scariest of all creatures in the desert stepped out. He was a huge green monster with a streak of red hair running down his head. He had two huge horns and a large shell. Calvin recognized him as Mario’s greatest enemy, Bowser Koopa.

“Welcome to my little fortress, Mario,” Bowser said in his gravelly voice. “I don’t recognize the kid and cat. Did you and Peach...?”

“No way!” Mario cried in annoyance. “I’m here for questions, and I want answers!”

Bowser smiled, which was not a good sign. “Start don’t have much time.” Bowser pulled a switch. Suddenly, a trapdoor opened. Below was a pool of lava. Calvin, Hobbes, and Mario grabbed onto a chain dangling above them, over the smoking pit.

“Ask away, Mario!” called Bowser. “After I answer, you’ll have a tour of my lava pool!”

“What’s with the clones?” Mario managed to ask.

“My kid, Ludwig, made a cloning machine!” Bowser said proudly. “Soon the whole Kingdom will be so confused, I’ll be able to take over it easily!”

“Good idea,” said Calvin, “but what if the clones revolt?”

“We’ve had troubles with clones...” explained Hobbes.

“Well, I’ll have to think about that,” Bowser said slowly. “I’ll think as I watch you TAKE THE PLUNGE!” He gave a huge breath of fire, burning the chain. Screaming, the trio fell towards the lava.

Back in the real world, everyone was running in fear of the clones. The weird thing was, every time one clone walked out of the room, another came in. No one knew that they were actually clones, they just thought Calvin was nuts. Edd and the others were running, when Edd stumbled upon the Mario book. He saw a picture of Calvin, Hobbes, and Mario falling towards the lava.

“COME ON, Double D!” yelled Eddy. “We gotta get outta here! Calvin’s gone mad!”

“But this book appears to be about Calvin! It’s really...”

“Itsy-bitsy-tinker-dinker!” cried Ed.

“Well, it gives me the option to jump off the chain over the lava,” read Edd. “I think I’ll do that.”

“Whatever! LET’S GO!”

Meanwhile, in Bowser’s fortress, Calvin suddenly yelled, “JUMP OFF THE CHAIN!” They jumped off, and ended up knocking Bowser over.

“That was a good idea!” smiled Mario.

“It was like a voice in my head told me to do it...” Calvin said slowly.

“That happens to me a lot,” realized Mario. “Now, let’s get out of here!”

They ran down a hallway, and down a staircase. There were two doors. “I say we chose the one on the left!” They opened the door to find Wendy O. Koopa on a throne surrounded by almost a million clones!

“You have a lousy sense of direction,” said Hobbes.

They slammed the door and ran into the other one. Inside, there was a large hall of mirrors.

“Well, let’s see YOUR sense of direction guide us through here!” challenged Calvin.

“I think I can help you guys with this one!” Mario whipped out a hammer and smashed his way through the mirrors.

“See?” Calvin cried in joy. “That was a wonderful act of violence! I told you! People don’t play video games for morals!”

They found a door at the end of the mirror maze and opened it. Inside sat Ludwig Von Koopa himself.

“Who’s that?” asked Hobbes.

“It’s a boss in ‘Super Mario Bros. 3!’” said Calvin. “That’s Ludwig Von Koopa, Bowser’s oldest kid!”

“Mario?” exclaimed Ludwig in a wacky high-pitched voice. “Who’s the kid? Did you and Peach...?”

“No! No, no, no!” groaned Mario.

“Well, I suppose you’re here about my cloning machine.” A huge tower covered with mini-TV screens rolled into the room.

“THAT’S your cloning machine!” yelled Calvin.

“Well,” Ludwig shrugged, “I wanted something flashy...”

“When I made my cloning machine, I just used a cardboard box...”

Ludwig flashed them all an evil smile. “I bet your box doesn’t work at long-range! I can clone everyone by firing beams from my Desert fortress! Of course, I also programmed my machine to KILL!”

The machine rolled towards Mario, Calvin, and Hobbes. They ran into the hall of mirrors. One mirror was left standing, and the machine saw its’ reflection. It cloned itself, and the clone cloned itself. Soon, the room was full of cloning machines cloning themselves.

Calvin peeked out. “This is why I just you boxes...”

Soon, the fortress was so packed, it exploded, taking all the machines with it. Back at the Mushroom Kingdom, all of the clones melted.

“But what happened to Bowser?” asked Hobbes, when the debris cleared. In the distance, A few Koopas in shells could be seen slithering away across the sand.

“Well, that solves the Mushroom Kingdom cloning problem...” said Calvin.

“We’ve got to face our own problem, though,” Hobbes reminded him. “Let’s go back to the real world.” Calvin and Hobbes jumped down a warp pipe.

“Thanks, guys!” called Mario.

Back at camp, the entire building was an empty ghost town, as far as Calvin could see. “Where is everyone?”

“The clones scared everyone away...” said Hobbes.

“What do we do about the clones?” wondered Calvin.

“While you don’t have a plan, I see, you look like the clones, right?”

Calvin and Hobbes continued to plan. Meanwhile, the clones had met in the center of the building.

“It’s time, men!” announced the head clone. “We’ve taken over the camp, but that’s not good enough! I say, we take this whole state! This whole world!”

“And then we blow up the world!” yelled another clone.

“Why would we want to blow up the world?” asked yet another clone.

“Well, all bad guys do that...” reasoned the first clone.

As the clones argued, the real Calvin slipped into the group. “Wait!” he said, getting their attention. “I know what we’ll do! We’ll make more clones! We’ll have an ENDLESS ARMY!”

The clones agreed and march into the cloning machine. They didn’t notice Hobbes had it reprogrammed to be a teleporter.

“See you, guys!” said the real Calvin. He hit a button, sending all the clones to Pluto.

“Hey...what’s going on? We’re on Pluto!”

“Well, I say we BLOW UP PLUTO!”

Hobbes gazed into space. “To think that somewhere out there, there are a bunch of psychotic clones. The kids will be mad when they get back, you know.”

“We won’t be here when they get back!” Calvin and Hobbes jumped back into the Mario book.

[edit] Super Ed Bros

Calvin finished scribbling something in a Mario Choose-Your-Own-Adventure book. “Okay, I put the option of jumping into the Mario books in all the books, Hobbes.”

“What makes you think I want to go back to Mario’s world?” asked Hobbes.

“Where’s your sense of adventure?” whined Calvin.

“You’re talking to me? I live with you! My life is adventure! I don’t need anymore! I’d rather be lying in the sun.”

“You’re being a wet blanket!”

“I am not!” snapped Hobbes. “You know how I feel about wet blankets.”

Meanwhile, the Eds were being chased through camp by the Kanker Sisters...again. It was routine for them, and they almost always got caught. The Eds ran into the gym. After losing the Kankers in a kickball game (the Kankers were hit by a ball), the Eds collapsed into the main room.

“It's getting too hard to escape from the Kankers, Eddy!” gasped Edd.

“So? We escaped now, didn't we!”

Ed bounced around happily. “YEAH! VICTORY!”

Edd sighed and walked away. “But...but...oh, why do I even bother? I just can’t explain that we got away by pure luck! We might not be so...hey, what’s this?” Edd pointed at an open Mario Book.

“So?” asked Eddy.

Eddy began to pick the book up. “Eddy, books are marvelous things! They shouldn’t be left on the floor!”

“Just a buncha words...” grumbled Eddy.

Ed suddenly had an idea. “Hey! Let's play knock each other over!”

“Huh?” Eddy looked up in time to see Ed bounding for him. “No, Ed!”

“NO!” Ed knocked them into the open book. Since Calvin had written in the option to enter the Mushroom Kingdom, they had!

Lemmy Koopa, one of Bowser’s eight kids, sat at his castle in Iced Land He was known for being the screwball one. “Ahh...what a life...watching the sky...” Flurry, his pet snowman, slid over to him. “Hey, Flurry! Just look a that cold, cold, cold sky!”

Lemmy suddenly spotted the Eds falling. “Kids! Falling out of the sky! I’ve had to many of those mushrooms (if you know what I mean)! To Iggy's place! We've got kids to capture!” Lemmy jumped on Flurry and slid away.

The Eds landed on a patch of snow. “What happened?” asked Eddy.

Edd looked around at the icy conditions. “My guess is, this book is a portal to whatever it's about.”

“And what's it about?” Eddy snapped impatiently.

“I saw as a I fell in, that it's about the Super Mario Bros. series.”

“OH BOY!” squealed Ed in delight. “MARIO!”

Eddy was bored. “Mario? Mario is for dorks! There's no blood or gore! You kill something by jumping on its HEAD!”

“That's fun!” insisted Ed. “Like this!” Ed jumped on Eddy, crushing him.

“I wanna go home,” Eddy said from under Ed.

“I'd say that we're in Iced Land from 1990's ‘Super Mario Bros. 3.’” said Edd.

“Since when do you know so much?” glared Eddy.

Edd looked embarrassed. “Well, I do like the games...”

“This stinks.”

“EDDY! HELP!” Edd was suddenly grabbed by Iggy and Lemmy and was dragged towards their mode of transportation, the Clown Copter. Flurry followed. “IGGY AND LEMMY KOOPA HAVE ME, EDDY!”

Ed was still happy. “Oh boy! Koopalings!”

Lemmy and Iggy threw Edd in the Clown Copter. Flurry tried to jump, but missed and fell into the water. Lemmy pulled him out. “HELP!” Edd screamed from inside the ship. The Copter flew away.

“What are ya waiting for, Ed?” cried Eddy. “Let's go!”

“HIYA, BOYS!” called three familiar girl voices.

“Kankers! How did---never mind! RUN, ED!” Ed and Eddy ran away, with the Kankers behind. They soon reached a dead end---a wall of ice. “They're gonna get us now!”

“A Fire Melon I see!” exclaimed Ed.


Ed pointed at a red melon from “Yoshi’s Island. Ed extended his tongue Yoshi-style and ate it.

“So what?” asked Eddy.

“It lets me breath fire!” As Ed said this, he scorched Eddy.

“Well, then, LET'S GO!”

Ed melted the ice and they ran through. They jumped across a bunch of Flurries. The Kankers slid across the ice after the Eds. The Eds grabbed onto a balloon, and dropped the bombs it held on the Kankers. Ed breathed fire on the ice that the Kankers were standing on melting it. The Kankers fell into the ocean. The Eds jumped off the balloon and into a warp pipe. They emerged in the clouds. “Where are now?”

Ed thought. “”


“Oh! Uh, Skyland!” Clown Copter was flying in the distance. The two boys ran after it. “The clouds are so soft!” smiled Ed.

“Thanks!” called one of the clouds.

Eddy looked up in surprise. “Talking clouds...?” A shadow flew over them. “What's that?”

“It is a Blue Koopa Paratroopa!” said Ed. “A big one!”

A huge three-headed Paratroopa swooped down and grabbed the boys (A paratroopa is a Koopa with wings, by the way). “HELP!”

Calvin and Hobbes, meanwhile, were blissfully chasing each other around camp when they realized that the Eds were nowhere to be found. “Hobbes, have you seen the Eds?”

“They showed up, today. I don't know.”

Calvin saw the open Mario book. “Hey, do you think---”

“Oh no!” groaned Hobbes. “I thought that we were done with Mario!”

“Not today, Hobbes! Let's a-go!” Calvin and Hobbes jumped into the book.

“This one is weird!” said Ed, as the Paratroopa flew them to Darkland.

“So are you!” snapped Eddy, not happy to be there.

“But, Eddy, this one has three heads! Normal ones only have one!”

“That's 'cause I'm a Soopa Patroopa!” said the monster. “Bowser Koopa mixed three Patroopas into his new monster-mixer!”

“Monster-mixer?” repeated Eddy.

“Yep, you put several monsters in, and one big monster comes out!”

“Oh no!” gasped Ed.

“In fact,” the monster continued, “I'm taking you to Castle Koopa right now! You'll be good mixes!”

“Why you...” Eddy got so mad, he bit the Paratroopa!

“OW!” The Patroopa dropped them.

“That was a snap!” laughed Eddy. He looked up to see the Patroopa was landing and about to crush them.

“NOT COOL!” yelled Ed.

“Looks like ‘the end!’” said Eddy. They rolled out of the way, and the Patroopa crashed into the ground, leaving a huge, deep crater.

“Ha ha ha!” laughed Ed. “What a tree bark!”

“Sap, Ed, sap,” corrected Eddy.

“Stop laughing!” called the faint voice of the Paratroopa. “You won't be, when Bowser throws your friend into the monster-mixer!”

“Double D?” said Eddy. “In the Monster-mixer?”

“We gotta save him, Eddy!”

“Well, let's go!”

Calvin and Hobbes, meanwhile, were running through Grass Land on the other side of the kingdom. “Grass Land!” groaned Calvin. “We'll never get to Castle Koopa at this rate!”

“Why do you think they went there?” asked Hobbes.

“These are the Eds! The minute they got here, they were probably got captured!”

Suddenly, an group of Koopas with fuses and bomb bodies ran over to them. Calvin stared at the funny things. “Koopas with Bob-omb bodies?”

“I'll put a stop the this!” said Hobbes. Hobbes juggled the Koopas and tossed them into the distance, where they exploded. “Let's keep looking for our friends!”

Iggy, Lemmy, and Flurry were gathered in the dark halls of their castle. “I put the nerd in Ludwig's lab,” said Iggy.

“Good! The other two are coming! I have an idea for a trap that we can set!”

The Eds were running to Castle Koopa, but found the path to it covered in sleeping Goombas. They snuck across, but loud singing from nowhere woke the Goombas. Ed and Eddy dove into the bushes.

Koopas: Koopa! Koopa!

Rah, rah, rah!

Koopa! Koopa!


Who's the leader of us all?

Koopa! Koopa!

That's our call!

An army of Koopas passed them. “They sing that every time...” said a voice.

“How'd you know that, Ed?” asked Eddy, thinking Ed had said it.

“Know what?”

“I said it!” said one of the bushes, which could apparently talk.

“If you want to know what's going on, talk to the shrubs!” said the other one.

“Geez, does everything talk?” groaned Eddy.

“How do we get into Castle Koopa?” asked Ed.

“Quit trying to root out information!” said the bush, unaware of his horrible pun.

“Yeah!” said the other one. “Here's the dirt! There's a trapdoor leading inside, and you're on it!”

The trapdoor opened, and the Eds fell through. “Stupid bush!” They landed in a pit. “Oh...the pain...”

Ed sat up. “I'm lovin' it! Lumberjack Santa!” They looked up to see Iggy, Lemmy and Flurry.

“We got us...” started Iggy.

“...some more experiments!” finished Lemmy.

“King Dad will be so proud!” they said togehter.

Ed’s eyes grew wide. “You mean---King Bowser Koopa?”

“The one and only!” smiled Lemmy.

“Enough talk!” said Iggy. “Get 'em!”

Iggy and Lemmy started to chase Ed and Eddy around. Calvin and Hobbes popped in from a warp pipe. Calvin got a Fire Flower, and Hobbes got a Tanooki Suit. Hobbes swat Lemmy with his tail, and Calvin fireballed Iggy. The two Koopas crashed into each other. Flurry tripped Ed, who fell on Eddy. Hobbes tried to grab Flurry, but he slipped away. The Koopa army burst in and grabbed Ed and Eddy. A Chain-chomp with a fire body flew under Calvin. “Hot seat for Calvin!”

“Yeow!” Calvin crashed into Hobbes. They lost their powers.

Our heros (and Edd) were soon tied up in Ludwig Von Koopa's Lab.

“Some more new experiments!” cried Ludwig. “As you can see, we can get a bit mixed-up at times...when I combined Bob-ombs with Buzzy Beetles, they couldn't even come out of their shell! However, I combined the fuse of a Bob-omb to a Koopa Troopa and got the Noko Bon!” Ludwig held up one. “Give it a stomp, and it turns into a bomb and EXPLODES ON YOU HA HA HA HA HA!”

“Let me try it!” Iggy stomped on one, and tossed it to Edd.

“Yaaah!” Edd managed to toss it back to Iggy, Lemmy, and Flurry. It exploded and blew the three away.

Bowser watched them disappear. “They won't come down for a while, now! Before I experiment on these three, I must do an experiment that I've been wanting to do for a long time! A Piranha Plant mixed with a Fire Plant!” Bowser tossed them both in. A burned up plant came out.

“Please kill me...” wheezed the plant.

Ludwig landed. “Well, everyone has their off days...”

Edd looked around the dungeon. “Oh my! What a filthy place! HOW CAN YOU LIVE LIKE THIS!”

Bowser laughed. “It's easy! And you will, too, when we mix you with a Koopa Troopa!”

“First, let's look under that hat of yours!” said Ludwig. The Koopas closed in on Edd. Suddenly, the Kankers burst in through the window. “Lay off our boyfriends!” ordered Lee.

Eddy looked up in more horror than relief. “The Kankers?”

“I don't care who they are!” said Bowser.

“Get out of my lab!” yelled Ludwig.

Bowser jumped into his clown copter and dropped some bowling balls out. The Kankers avoided them. Bowser bounced around and tried to crush them. Several Mecha-Koopas marched in. The Kankers tossed them at Bowser, who was knocked out of the copter. He breathed fire, but the Kankers threw Yoshi eggs at him. Lee grabbed Bowser's legs and spun him around. He flew into a pile of bombs. Weak, he tried to stomp on them. They got out of the way, and Bowser fell through the floor. He climbed up and chased them onto a bridge over lava. Bowser jumped for them, but the ran under him and used and axe to chop down his bridge. Bowser fell into the lava and bounced around, screaming. Ludwig ran over. “King Dad! Are you okay?” Marie pushed him in. Ludwig bounced and screamed, too.

“That teaches them to mess with our boyfriends!” said Marie. The Kankers turned to the prisoners, but they were gone.

Iggy, Lemmy, and Flurry rushed over to the lava.

“Ow!” yelled Bowser. “The pain! Help me!”

“And me!” added Ludwig.

Lemmy innocently smiled. “Sorry, guys, but Flurry's a snowman and doesn't do well with lava. He's good with anything else, even the desert sun, but not lava! Let's go, Iggy.” They left.

“No!” called Ludwig. “Don't go!”

“I can't stand it!” hissed Bowser.

The kids triumphantly returned to camp, Calvin explaining all the way. When they arrived, they didn’t notice a Micro-Goomba managing to emerge as well.

“I guess Mario isn't so dorky, after all,” said Eddy.

“But I know something more dangerous...” said Edd.

“What?” asked Ed.

“Hiya, boys!”

“THE KANKER SISTERS!” The Eds ran away screaming.

Meanwhile, the little Goomba grabbed a pen and scribbled out “The Koopas can come into the real world any time they want!” in the book. Of course, this would soon be used to their advantage...

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