108th TFS War Dog

From Electrosphere

Osean Air Defense Force 108th Tactical Fighter Squadron "War Dog"

General Information The 108th TFS War Dog of the Osean Air Defense Force is featured in Ace Combat 05: The Unsung War.


[edit] History

The 108th TFS was operational during the Circum Pacific War of 2010. By the end of their service on December 7th, 2010, they had become the most influential and famous fighter Squadron in the Osean Military and feared by the Yuktobanian Military.

Their first Operation was on September 24th, 2010 when they intercepted a damaged Yuktobanian SR-71 Blackbird and engaged incoming fighters. They once again engaged Yuktobanian Forces before the war started, making them the first unit with Experience in the war.

After their Flight Leader, Captain Jack "Heart Break One" Bartlett was shot down, War Dog Four, known as Blaze, had became the flight leader and lead them through out their other operations. Being stationed on Sand Island Air Base, they were constantly on the Frontline of the war and had seen battle in battlefields in Yuktobania and Osea, in every climate imaginable.

During the Osean counter-offensive, they had engaged and destroyed both of Yuktobania's Scinfaxi Class-Super Submarines which were spear heading the Yuktobanian forces, with this they halted their Amphibious Invasion.

After a week of no fighting and patrolling the Osean Coastlines, they were then called upon to support Osean Troops on Yuktobanian soil in landing operations, and by striking vital targets deep within Yuktobanian Air Space.

During the middle of the war, they were convicted of attacking Civilian Facilities in a Yuktobanian city and were forced to return to Oured for trialing. Thanks to a sudden sneak attack by Yuktobanian Forces, they were sent up to prove their loyalty to Osea and destroyed the enemy forces.

Afterwards, they returned to the frontlines in Yuktobania. During a POW Rescue Operation Kei "Edge" Nagase, War Dog Two, is shot down, but recovered the next day after surviving and evading forces in harsh Arctic Conditions.

A Week later, after her recovery, they supported the large Ground Operation by the Osean army, which crushed the Yuktobanian Main Force in the Jilachi Desert.

Thanks to the success of that operation, they were called back to Osea for a Ceremony by the Osean Vice-President at November City. However, after their fly-over and during the Ceremony Yuktobanian Forces suddenly appeared and attempted to attack the city. During the immense Dog Fight, War Dog Three, Captain Alvin H. Davenport is shot down and killed in action.

Days later, the War Dog return to the frontlines of Yuktobania and support the attack on the Cruik Fortress, Yuktobania's largest and last defense before reaching the Capital city. With the 108th's support the fortress fell. However, when the War Dog returned to base Osean Officials had received information which indicated them to be spies.

During their arrest, they had escaped Osean Military Police and escaped Sand Island Air Base, in multiple T-45 Goshawk, trainers. Captain Hamilton, from the Osean Military Command HQ, gave a general order to shoot down the War Dog on sight and dispatched every fighter squadron in the area.

The War Dog was sighted over an Osean Aircraft "Grave Yard", by the 8492nd Tactical Fighter Squadron and were pursued. However, the 8492nd lost sight of them and returned to base. Later they reappeared on radar. AWACS Thunder Head, now working against them on orders, vectored Marcus "Swordsman" Snow from the Naval Air Force onto them. They were shot down. A Search team was sent to check for survivors, but did not find anything. They were officially listed KIA on December 7th, 2010.

However, it is said that the pilots had escaped and operated under a new name. No details were released until a Press Conference, well after the War's end.

[edit] Lieutenant Colonel Ford. - War Dog Leader

Nationality: Osean

He is the leader of the Air Division which the 108th TFS is assigned to. After Captain Bartlett is shot down, he is deployed to take command of the Squadron at Sand Island. During an Air Raid on the Island he is shot down and belived to be killed in action.

[edit] Jack "Heart Break One" Bartlett

Nationality: Osean

Jack Bartlett is the CO of WARDOG squadron (Sand Island) at the beginning of the game, but is eventually shot down and presumed captured by the Yuktobanians. This old firebrand has a very take-charge demeanor, but knows how to take care of the pilots under him and that's all that matters to him. He also seems to have the unique ability to turn raw "nuggets" into seasoned veterans. His codename, "Heartbreak One" comes from a love snafu he had with a Yuktobanian Major where he had his heart broken.

[edit] Kei "Edge" Nagase - War Dog Two

Nationality: Osean

Edge is one of the few surviving pilots of the Sand Island Incident, where most of the OMDF forces stationed at Sand Island were lost. She is passionately concerned (next to downright creepy) about her flight lead. She blames herself for Bartlett being shot down and is eventually shot down herself, causing for a daring Search and Rescue mission where she manages to gather information and be rescued. A real peace dove.

[edit] Alvin H."Chopper" Davenport - War Dog Three

Nationality: Osean

Chopper is a nugget based with the OMDF in Sand Island and part of War Dog squadron. He eventually becomes Wardog 3 during most missions and usually gives humorous feedback, poking fun at Thunderhead, the AWACS controller. He eventually is shot down in the attack of November City, in an attempt to warn innocent bystanders of evacuation. He is killed.

[edit] "Blaze" - War Dog Four/One

Nationality: Osean

He takes over as the War Dog Flight Lead after Heart Break One is shot down. He is extremely quite and usually only answering Yes and No Questions. Only one Photo is taken of him, though Chopper's elbow is blocking out his face.

[edit] "Hans "Archer"Grimm - War Dog Four

Nationality: Osean

Archer is a nugget who barely knows how to fly at first, who joins War Dog squadron during the attack on Sand Island. He becomes somewhat annoying at his self-put downs, but his skill eventually increases making him a good addition to the squadron.

[edit] AWACS Thunder Head

Nationality: Osean

He supports the War Dog Squadron through out the war. He is commonly referred to as Thunder "Block Head" by Chopper. After the War Dog are shot down, he is assigned to another squadron. Thunder Head supports the 8492nd TFS as they pursue the War Dog during their escape. When the War Dog disappear, then reappear, Thunder Head vectors Marcus Snow onto them and they are shot down.

[edit] Peter N. "Pops" Beagle

Nationality: Osean

Pops is a mechanic working for the Osean Maritime Defense Force based in Sand Island, who often gives advice to nuggets and Aces about anything they need help with. Eventually, the truth about Pops is revealed, making it clear that his real nationality is not Osean and that he's in fact a former Belkan Ace who defected to Osea with the help of Bartlett. He was originally tasked to launch nuclear weapons against his own soil.

[edit] Kirk

Kirk is Pops' dog and WARDOG flight's mascot. He is the only dog in known history to be able to eject out of an airplane with no problems.


Ace Combat 05: The Unsung War

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