Mount Schrim

From Electrosphere

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Mt. Schrim is seen in Ace Combat 05: The Unsung War and Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War. The geography around Mount Schirm is comprised a little bit of small rolling hills, flat areas and with the occational uplifted areas. One possibility for this uplift is due to a plume of magma and has cooled down enough to form solid rock below ground. But it the main rock structure is mainly sedimentary rocks that has been layered by the same rivers. Ore mining in this area becomes the major mining industry for Belka, and its climate features long winter and short summer.

[edit] The Belkan War (Op. Stone Age)

In late 1995, during the closing days of the Belkan War, the Belkan Military began a full-scale retreat and attempted to gather at Mt. Schrim, a Belkan Air Base and Weapons Storage Area.

The Ustian Air Force dispatched the 66th AFU Galm to the area with orders to engage and destroy as many of the Belkan Forces as possible. During their attack, a large Hangar was spotted near an Air Field at the base of the mountain. After the war it was confirmed as the hangar for the Belkan Hresvelgr. A Mine was made to hold the Nuclear Weapons which the Belkans had stockpiled. The mine was sealed and the base was abandoned.

[edit] Circum-Pacific War (Op. Silver Eye & Deep Six)

In mid-2010 the "Ghosts of Razgriz" had commenced a reconassiance mission at Mt. Schrim and found that Belkan Forces were attmepting to un-earth the Nuclear Weapons there. A day later the base was attacked and the mine was destroyed, though nuclear weapons were smuggled out of the mine before the mine was destroyed.


Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War (the game)

Ace Combat 05: The Unsung War (the game)

Official Ace Combat Zero Website by "Project Aces" -

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