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[edit] Forging Ahead (1988 - 1994)

During Belka’s campaign of expansionism the living conditions within certain parts of the Nation had decreased, the people had little or no say in what the government did and unrest was beginning to spread.

It wasn’t until 1987 in which the Belkan Leadership had decided to hold a Federal Law Review to re-evaluate their effectiveness to run the country and act accordingly.

A South-Eastern Belkan State, a member of the Belkan Federation, had begun to grow weary of the Belkan Federation. A South-Eastern Belkan state was rich in natural resources, oil, steel, and iron to name a few, which were used by Belka to spur on their industrial boom of the early and mid 80's. However, did not see much of the profit of the mining and oil drilling, since those things were regulated by the Belkan Federals in Sudentor. Around this time the North-Eastern State of Belka broke away, declared themselves independent and became known as the FATO Nations.

This caused an uneasiness between the South-Eastern Belkan State and Belka and finally resulted in the South-Belkan State breaking away. This State was then known as the Republic of Ustio.

Belka’s Economy took a large down fall after this and the newly seated extremists in the Belkan Cabinet, threatened Ustio with action if they did not return to the Federation. Ustio did not choose to return to them.

[edit] The Belkan War (1995)

The Belkan Federal Law Review was proclaimed unconstitutional and Belka crossed it’s borders in 1995. Immediately invaded Ustio. Ustio had managed to peace together a military force from the beginning of the country’s formation. The Ustian Military was immediately engaged on all fronts by the Belkan Military and they were overwhelmed. The Ustian Military was being worn out since it was being engaged on three fronts. Ustian Leaders decided to have all of their forces fall back, past their Capital City in order to limit the engagements to one front. Their Capital was taken by the Belkan Military and much of their land was taken with it. The Ustian Air Force had lost 90% of their forces and it was decided that Mercenaries were to be hired in order to make up for their losses. One of these being the 66th AFU ‘Galm’ Team.

As Ustio continued to defend itself Yuktobania, Osea, Sapin and other countries on the continent had offered them a chance to join an Alliance which was going to counter-attack the Belkan Forces. Ustio joined and participated in Offensive Campaign No.4101, after Ustio helped Osea liberate Sapin. Soon Ustian Cities were being liberated with the help of the Osean and Ustian Mercenary Teams and eventually Ustio’s Capital Directus, was also liberated. The lands which were taken by Belka were reclaimed and the final plan to invade Belka was put into play. One area was still under heavy dispute for the resources it had under it’s soil; this was Air Corridor B7R, also known as “The Round Table”. Belka lost B7R and began to prepare for the advancement into their territory. Belka had fought back with every man and woman in their Military.

On one offensive primarily lead by Ustian Forces, the Belkans had opened fire with their Super weapon known as the “Excalibur”. It was destroyed by the 66th AFU Galm team, who up to that time had become known by Forces on each side for their combat effectiveness and actions on battlefield. The Team consisted of “Cipher”, the flight leader, known as “The Demon Lord” and Galm Two, Larry “Pixy” Foulke. The Ustian Forces had showed their value in all of the Operations they had participated in and they had become a lethal military force. They had overcome some of the most intense Belkan Fortifications seen through out the Belkan War and managed to penetrate the Belkan Border.

By this point the Allied Fronts had merged together and Troops from each nation became meshed together. The Belkans began to grow desperate and it’s military force began to boil down to the ‘Die-Hard’ Belkan Soldiers willing to fight until the end and never surrender. At the battle of Hoffnug, Belka’s second largest industrial city, the Belkan Military began a scorched earth Campaign and began to destroy every facility that the Allied Forces could possibly use. At the same time Allied Bombers began to indiscriminately bomb the city, not caring where their bombs landed. The Belkan Military and much of the Belkan Peoples now saw the Allies as murderers and vowed to fight to the death.

On June 6th, 1995 a final Operation, to invade North Belka was put int motion. Ustio and the other Allied Nations were going to take the city of Sudentor, which separated North and South Belka. The Belkan Forces had begun to gather in Sudentor in preparation for the Allied Offensive. The battle at Sudentor was to be the largest battle of the Belkan War. But, as the Allied Forces went through the Waldreich Mountains surrounding Belka, reports of Belkan Bombers possibly carrying Nuclear Weapons, had come in. The 66th TFS and the 4th TFS of the Ustian Air Force intercepted the Bombers and managed to destroy the group.

Then, unexpectedly, six Nuclear Weapons were detonated across the Waldreich Mountain Range, destroying seven cities at the Northern-Gate. The Allied Forces ceased all actions and attempted to speak to Belka once again. Soon a Peace Treaty was signed and no Allied Forces were to enter North Belkan Territory, ever.

Though the war was officially over many soldiers did not surrender, and the 66th AFU was dispatched to destroy these fragmented forces. Little did anyone know, a force unlike any before or after it, was to rise from the shadows.

[edit] No Boundaries (December of 1995)

A group of soldiers from multiple-nations from Osea, Yuktobania, Belka and even Ustio had arisen from the shadows. They were known as “A World With No Boundaries” (AWWNB) and their goal was to stop the fighting by removing politicians and uniting the world. AWWNB had taken over the XB-0 Hresvelgr, a Belkan-Super Bomber and bombed Lumen, the City where the Peace Treaty was signed and attacked multiple facilities in Ustio on their journey into North Belka. The Galm Team engaged the XB-0 and destroyed it just miles away from the North Belkan Border. Now the Allied Forces moved to destroy AWWNB’s main weapon, the stolen Belkan V-2 at Avalon Dam. The attack was spearheaded by the Ustian Mercenary Team and resulted in the destruction of the V-2 and “A World With No Boundaries”. The V-2 launch almost succeded even after the Dam was destroyed when Galm Two, who went missing in action during the Nuclear Explosions, was controlling the launch of the V-2. Galm One was forced to fight his old wingman and after an extended engagement, shot him down.

With the war being officially over the Allied Nations were commended for their actions and stopping the Belkans. However, the credit was given to Yuktobania and Osea; the smaller Allied Nations were left out and never were properly rewarded.

Ever since the Belkan War Ustio has remained somewhat secluded, much like the nations around it.


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