
From Egs Mayhem

(Redirected from Humans)

Funny Description

A race of creatures that is self-proclaimed to be the most intelligent to inhabit the planet Earth. This claim might be disputed, but humans are too stupid to figure out how to communicate with other lifeforms and find out that fact. Humans have no natural shapeshifting ability, though some compensate for this by use of magic or mad science.

They are especially known for often having nonsensical leaps in their moral logic. For instance, they reproduce through sex, and many will claim that sex is immoral. Thus they should by extention consider a high population to be immoral, yet they also think that murderers are immoral, unless the murderers are on their side during a war. They still consider the murderers on the other side to be immoral, though they don't think that all actions that are immoral if committed by the enemy are moral if committed by their side (such as sex, for instance).

Often seen driving cars, frequenting forums, wearing socks, accelerating global warming, destroying rainforests and stomping on smaller creatures, such as weasels (Edited by Bain for sensitivity.)

Serious Description

They are one of the most alignmentally diverse species in existance, which, like them, is both a good thing and a bad thing at the same time. They are also very diverse in class.

Disliked by catkin. Liked by Easter Bunnies.

Among many sentient (or near-sentient) robots, humans are known as "obsolete meat-units".

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