Cassandra Raieh

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 15:34, 20 October 2007 by Kalga (Talk | contribs)

Name: Cassandra Raieh

CodeName: ???

Gender: Female

Age: 15

DNA Mix: Couple of cat species, human (of course)

Abilities: Experienced hacker, good with electronics and security systems (direct interface). Very stealthy and sneaky. Has built-in prosthetic devices and replacement parts in her to aid this stuff (parts of her brain, her tail-bones, bits of her digestive systems and has kind of bracelet-things that have snap-out metal claws that can be fired as high-electric tazers. Also one bionic eye, and an antenna in her tail. Needs recharging as conversion rate to electricity from normal food is low.

Personality: Very quiet, slightly shy, has a habit of wandering around quietly. Sometimes spaces out due to hacking side-effects. Occasionally makes a big scene when she wants to be seen.

Apperance (Human): Kind of oriental looking, slightly pointy ears and dark black hair. Retains her tail in human form (due to implants, to revert it would badly hurt and tear bits of circutry and stuff out of her). Short (5 feet tall). Has a metal plate in her front left shoulder area (just under her collarbone) with recharge/connection port. Appearnace: (Mixed): Very lithe black furred catlike anthromorph, w

Backround: Having had several operations (with the results being painful for quite a while) throughout her life Cassie tends to be withdrawn slightly, though she tries to maintain in good cheer. Having refused to kill personally in tests, nearly becoming cataconic (pun not intended) when attempted to be forced to, she's nevertheless not been discarded as a failure - as she's more of an espionage agent than an assassin, she's been kept. Not to mention her bionic parts and operations were nearly just as expensive as the uryonym eggs and stuff, so the agency is loathe to simply remove her.

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