French Political Parties

From E20


[edit] Parti Républicain, Radical et Radical-Socialiste (Radical-Socialist Party)

[edit] Section Française de l'Internationale Ouvrière (Party of the Workers' Movement, the French section of the Second International, abbreviated as SFIO)

[edit] Alliance républicaine démocratique (Democratic Republican Alliance)

[edit] Devant Libéral Nationale (National Liberal Front)

The newest party, and the ruling party during the Great War under Prime Minister Jean Charles Reynaud (currently Minister of Marine), the DLN is a centrist party with nationalist leanings which shares many long-term goals with the Radical-Socialists, including colonial reform and modernization of the military. These shared goals allowed the DLN and Radicals to form a coalition government shortly before the outbreak of the Great War, and allows the DLN to continue to control several key government portfolios.

The DLN has experienced an upsurge in popularity amongst the right in France in the post-war years, as it was under DLN leadership that France regained Alsace-Lorraine and conquered the Holy Land from the Ottomans. However, the loss of Indochina to the Siamese prevented the DLN from garnering enough support to replace the ARD as the main rightist party.


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