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Magikoopa #42 is the 182nd registered user on Digibutter.


RP Characters

Koopa Squad 7N

One of the numerous Koopa Squads in Bowser's army. There are squads for other species, but the Koopa Squads tend to get the most respect. This squad led by Kooplen.

Magikoopa #42

Appearance: a normal koopa wearing a blue cloak
Species: koopa
Gender: male
Place of Originality: Nameless Village #645
Powers: the power to shake the very bounds of creation with but a single wand flick (Now he just need to get his wand issued to him.)
Weapons: markers (as a wand substitute)
Basic Information: He is one of the new guys in Bowser's army. He hasn't even had his wand issued to him yet. he had gotten his shell broken on his first mission. He's putting some effort into remembering that everyone in Bowser's army takes 2 steps backward when Bowser asks for volunteers for suicide missions.
Strengths: He could turn you into a newt if he wanted to...
Weaknesses: but he'd need a wand to do it. Also, he's not very powerful physically.
Signature Move: Unknown

He is currently competing in the Glitz Pit as a training mission given to him by Kooplen.


Appearance: a normal koopa wearing a blue cloak
Species: koopa
Gender: male
Place of Originality: Unknown
Powers: Unlike #42, he is a competent spellcaster.
Weapons: wand and broom
Basic Information: He is the leader of Koopa Squad 7N. He is usually treated with great respect by his squad. He only takes orders from Bowser and Kammy.
Strengths: his squad and spellcasting powers
Weaknesses: He is rather weak physically.
Signature Move: Building up alot of dramatic tension, only to hit the big, bad guy with all the strength of a 5 year-old girl and yell at him.

He was last seen when he was killed durring the moments leading up to the end of Plot 2, but he should have been revived by DEMM's powers.


Appearance: a goomba wearing thick, lead boots
Species: goomba
Gender: male
Place of Originality: Nameless Village #644
Powers: Being able to successfully play the racism card.
Weapons: a pair of lead boots
Basic Information: He used to be in one of the Goomba Squads untill he managed to get into Koopa Squad 7N by claiming that not allowing goombas in it was racist. He had also managed to bring two other goombas from his village and squad with him. His fighting style consists only of kicks. He uses a pair of lead boots to help strengthen his feet and legs (if he even has legs).
Strengths: Amazing lower-body strength
Weaknesses: No arms or hands and no method of instant transportation.
Signature Move: Attacking a punching bag untill it flies off into the distance, and following it to some major place related to the plot.

He was last seen when his ashes exploded after he was killed and burned durring the moments leading up to the end of Plot 2, but he should have been revived by DEMM's powers.


Appearance: a goomba
Species: Goomba
Gender: male
Place of Originality: Nameless Village #644
Powers: a prehensile tongue
Weapons: daggers
Basic Information: One of the three goombas in Koopa Squad 7N. He got in because of Gobi's actions. His prehensile tongue gives him the ability to hold and manipulate objects easily, something that most goombas can't do.
Strengths: his prehensile tongue
Weaknesses: can't speak clearly while holding something with his tongue
Signature Move: Unknown

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