User talk:Jeramiah98

From Create Your Own Story

To, too, and two are not interchangeable. please learn the difference. --Platypus 23:36, 25 October 2016 (UTC)

Lol, sorry, written language doesn't click very easily for me. I will attempt to do better in the future. -Jeramiah

Please use the template, not the coding for the template on the pages you post.

In my stories choices are ALWAYS choices your character can choose. You cannot choose what you'll see when you wake up after passing out.

Stop 'starting to' everything. 'Start to' can be useful in some instances to describe continued action, or to describe action that's been interrupted, but if every sentence has 'started to' or 'began to' in it, you're abusing the phrase. Let the action happen inside of starting to happen! --Platypus 12:45, 26 October 2016

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