The Discomfort of Daisy (Teenager)

From Create Your Own Story

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Katie ends up having four sons, and one daughter in between them all.

Daisy is the short blonde daughter of Katie with a proportionally perfect body, but embarrassed by it never-the-less. She is the middle of sibling of the family - having one brother eight years younger than her - Phil, three years younger - Adam, two years older - John, and five years older - Jacob.

Phil - Young and inexperienced, he has in interest in the difference between the sexes and overall is the nicest to Daisy.

Adam - Afraid to talk to any girl except for Daisy, he takes out his sexual frustrations on his sister.

John - Not afraid to laugh at his younger sister, he has suffered from Great Aunt Jill's influence the most.

Jacob - The oldest of the five, Jacob is mature, but he doesn't mind joining in on laughing at an embarrassed Daisy.

So where does Daisy find herself embarrassed?

Daisy - Junior Year Summer

Daisy - Junior Year of Highschool

Daisy - Winter Vacation

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