TPM: Get plastered in cum!

From Create Your Own Story

If getting cummed on by five Jedi felt that good, you can't imagine what it would feel like to be cummed on by at least 800 Jedi. All you know is you can't wait to find out, and this time, you just get to sit back and enjoy being the subject of the biggest Bukkake on Coruscant.

You smile as you lean back and teasingly rub yourself in front of the Jedi as they start jerking off around you. You can tell their not going to waste this moment either. This is the only time their allowed to succumb to passion. They can take all night if they need to, you're getting the reward in the end.

It's a slow start, but after the first guy cums on you, its a steady stream of hot, thick, sticky cum. They get it all over the place, your face, tits, hair, pussy, ass. Even when the first 50 are done, you feel like you couldn't be any dirtier in cum, until you look out the doorway and still see the line stretching on forever.

Its morning and still going on. You thought it was a little funny when you figure out most of them got back in line for a second or even third go at it, but it's your gain, you wanted as much cum as possible. You could have swam in the amount of cum they released on you, your whole body was barely visible under all the cum, and it was the best feeling you've ever had in your life.

The Jedi were so thankful of you being their royal cum bucket, that they clear your problem up in no time, and even build a Jedi Academy on your home planet of Naboo. You now start every morning with a bath of cum. It becomes like a hobby.

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Queen Padme Amidala
The Phantom Menace

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