Spork - Take the Spork Stab

From Create Your Own Story

"Spork Stab? SPORK STAB!?!?" He looks at you crazily for a second. Then he calms down. "Good choice." He looks to the left, then to the right, then at you. "You run along, then." The old man walks away...

You'd better get all of this down on some paper now and be prepared to erase. The story won't provide your character's stats from now on.

Level: 3
Equipment: Spork
Health: 14/14
MP: 9/9
Strength: 5
Intelligence: 5
Skills: Spork Stab - MP 1
Stab them with your spork! Damage - Strength + 2
XP: 2/9

The old man simply stands there, waiting for you to run along. Sooner or later, you do...to the next area of Silver Bridge.

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