ND/The blonde

From Create Your Own Story

She has a Hollywood starlet charm about her: smoldering eyes, hourglass figure, long legs that go on for miles, and a face like an angel fallen from heaven. Her blonde tresses curl up in tight rolls, framing her face. You recall seeing women like her painted on the sides of bombers or hanging in some GI's locker, but you never thought they actually existed. Yet, here she stands, dressed in a tight black cocktail dress, black high heels, and a mink stole. She looks like she's on her way to a party - or has only just woken up from one.

'Are you Mr. Horne?' she asks, in a voice that oozes sex appeal with every word.

'Just like it says on the door,' you agree. You motion to the seat opposite you.

She slides into the chair, crossing her legs slowly, her eyes never leaving your face. You can't see anything with the desk in the way, but her manner tells you more than the sight of her legs could. She pulls out a cigarette to match your own. She leans forwards as you light it for her, eyes half closed in cat-like coolness.

'I want a private detective,' she purrs.

'I thought you might,' you say.

She smiles a feline smile. 'I need someone to watch my husband. He's been acting strange lately, staying out late and making unexplained withdrawals from his account. I think he's got himself involved with some girl or other.' She blows smoke like a dragon breathing fire. 'I need to know what he's getting up to and I need someone to do it discreetly.'

Ask her for more details

Tell her you don't do divorce cases

Tell her your rates up front

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