Leave with the most beautiful girl you've ever met

From Create Your Own Story

Ignoring your aunt you say, "I'd rather stay with you," What do you have to lose? A mom who's not around? A girlfriend that doesn't exist? This girl is the most beautiful girl ever.

"You really will? I should warn you... I live in Florida, I'm just visiting. By the way, my name is Dillon." This doesn't change your mind at all. She got dressed quickly and she told you she was going to the airport to leave immediately. You and her walked to the nearest bank and you withdrew all your money you had saved. You asked her if she lived in comfort and she said her parents had millions of dollars and when they passed in a car accident she got it all. Wow. You hit a good one. However, you have a nagging feeling that you should tell ehr that you've had sex before, just in case. Or you could let it slip. Your choice.

Tell her

Don't tell her

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