Katie's Accident in Art - Katie Is Not Allowed to Leave the Art Room, and Has an Accident

From Create Your Own Story

Condition Fine Apparel and Items: Pants, Shirt, Panties, Socks, Sneakers
Day, Time Friday, Just Before Lunch
Need to Bathroom Really Bad
Level of Humiliation None

Katie starts to sweat profusely and her legs fidget. Then the pressure becomes to much for Katie as she lowers her head. Katie's anus opens wide. A large soft log slides into her cute pink panties. The poop mashes against the fabric staining it brown. Then a second log forces its way out and moves toward her pussy.

"Oh no." Katie whispers

Katie lifts her head to the snickers of Harper who sits next to her. Harper leans over to Katie.

"Did the poor baby have an accident?" Harper asks.

Katie's Accident in Art - Katie begins to cry

Katie's Accident in Art - Harper tells Mr. Thorn Katie had messed her panties

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