If she's so good at fighting then she's got nothing to worry about

From Create Your Own Story

"I guess that makes it easy, eh?" the jogger says. "You win, you get to rape me. I win... Well, let's just say you don't get to rape me. OK?"

"I'd say we both lose if we don't end up fucking. So feel free to fuck me if you win... What's your name, by the way?" you ask.

"Why? So you can stalk me?" she says warily as you start circle each other.

"No, I just like to know the people I'm intimate with. Guess I'm old-fashioned that way!"

And with that, you strike like lightning, and sock her on the jaw.

"Ouf!" she says, and wipes away a little blood. "Thank god you're not so old-fashioned you don't hit girls. That would be boring. By the way, I'm Daphie!"

She feigns, then kicks you in the side. Hard. The pain makes you come alive, and you smile wolfishly at her.


Health Horny Location:

The Park

MP 0
Level 2
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