Hide from the couple carrying the sharp axes

From Create Your Own Story

Status: Naked and Shaky

You quickly dart behind a tree. Unfortunately, the movement drew the attention of the couple. They walk straight to you.

Trembling, you whisper, "Don't hurt me."

The woman takes a firm grip on your arm. "Come on out from there." She guides you to the center of the clearing. "What are you doing walking around these woods naked?"

You shake your head. "It's a long story."

The man produces a coil of rope. "We can't leave you out here. When night falls you'll be hunted down." He draws your arms behind you and ties your wrists together, securely but not so tight as to cause pain.

The woman smiles at him. "She's pretty. I think we should keep her, Hunter."

He grins. "You're right, Stephie."

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