Go to Proffesor Rowan's labratory

From Create Your Own Story

You decide to go to Proffesor Rowan's lab. You walk through your small town of Sandgem. Proffesor Rowan's lab is soon in sight. You see a door in front. Hesitantly, you open it and walk inside. You see three pokemon on a table, and an old man standing over it. "Hello, you must be the new trainer!" he said. "Yes, I am" you respond. You walk over to the table that the three pokemon were. "You have three choices: Turtwig, Chimchar, or Piplup. The first one is a Grass. The second is a Fire. The third is a Water. And while you think, I'll give you these" said Proffesor Rowan, and he hands you a Pokedex and 5 Pokeballs. You look at the three pokemon. Turtwig was a turtle. Chimchar was a monkey. Piplup was a penquin. You think hard, and you finally figured out who to pick. "I have made my decision!" you say confidently. "What is it?" Proffesor Rowan asks.

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