Follow Tina

From Create Your Own Story

You follow Tina into the living room and flop on the couch as she turns on the TV. After a bit of channel surfing she arrives at some teenage vampire drama. You aren't familiar with this one but you stay quiet and let her watch her show.

10 minutes in the hearthrobe male Vampire and his human lady friend begin to get a little physical. Although all that is shown is some passionate kissing, and some half clothed rolling around in a bed, it is enough to get your a little tingly again. Suddenly a flurry of questions pop into your head. With no other course for answers, you turn to your older cousin.

"Tina, have you ever been with a guy?" You ask your cousin, trying to sound casual.

"Been with? Like kissed and stuff?" She turns to look at you.

"More than that, like sex stuff. We had Sex Ed today, and I'm wondering if you've done any of that?"

"Not with a guy. I've kissed them and stuff, but that's it." Hoping to leave it at that she turns back to the TV.

You think on her answer for a second, "Not with a guy.. Does that mean, with a girl?"

Tina bites her lower lip. Aware of her slip-up, she quickly tries to come up with an excuse but can't find one. "Yeah with my friend Janelle... You can't tell anyone though ok! Mom would kill us, and Janelle would be so upset with me..."

You promise you won't before asking her what it was like.

"It felt really good." Tina whispers, "Why are you asking these things?"

"I'm curious. I want to know what it felt like." You pause, "Can you show me? Teach me?"

"You want me to show you?!" Tina says incredulously, "but your my little cousin!"

"That's ok with me. Please?"

"Ok," Tina gives in, rather easily. "Where do you want to start?"

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