Dash through the Route 201 Forest anyways?

From Create Your Own Story

You don't have time enough time to go back! Every second you waste is another second the thief has to escape! All you can hope is that if you run fast enough you can get past the wild Pokémon without incident. With a deep, steading breath, you sprint into the forest towards Lake Verity.

The only Pokémon you really had to worry about in this forest were the flocks of Starly, as the rest of the Pokémon here were either too timid or too slow to catch you. Which meant you constantly had your eyes glancing up to spot the rather territorial birds.

Luckily, your mad dash through the forest passed without incident and you reached the edge of Lake Verity safely, though exhausted. You consider yourself fairly in-shape, but you were also running at a dead sprint for a good ten minutes.

You look around the lakeshore, and lo and behold you spot a familiar spacesuit-clad individual a good distance away rummaging through a large bag.

So how do you handle this?

Health 20/20 Pokémon:


Level 5
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