VRX 9000: Sex Games / WC/IF Battle Royale - Part 2

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VRX 9000: Sex Games

5) The Winter Cabin Series - Internet Friends

The Battle Royale - Part 2

Everything has devolved into a sexual fantasy going into Part 2 of the Battle Royale as the twelve players continue fighting on for one of the coveted four mistress positions. For some, things are not going well in that regard. Kelsey finds herself with nipple clamps and worse getting well-disciplined by the tough, athletic blonde Hillary who is quickly realizing that she is enjoying trying out the lesbian lifestyle. Leslie finds herself in the middle of a lesbian sandwich consisting of Kinsey and Mindy who just seem to be using her as an outlet for their pent up sexual urges. Rebecca has landed in the brutal hands of Amanda and the teasing hands of Dana, a pair that has brought her to tears from their extreme use of both pain and pleasure. Lastly, Melissa finds herself enduring Alyssa who just seems to want to play with her beautiful body. Thankfully for these four, the Battle Royale is far from over and it isn't done until everyone is locked in.

Things start to move after a small break of sexual dominance with Hillary being the first to get up and move on feeling vulnerable in the middle, and rightly so. With Cameron and Lena skulking about along with two other alliances in the cabin she is far from safe despite being the strongest. Making quick time she drags the reluctant Kelsey along as her prize and heads down the main hallway searching for trouble. She finds both doors to the bedrooms locked and some rather interesting sexual noises coming from both. The sobbing of Rebecca gives Hillary pause for a moment, not surprised to hear Amanda's harsh voice afterwards. From the other door the sounds of pleasure from Kinsey is rather apparent but it is hard to tell what is happening there. After giving it some thought Hillary decides to get things moving. She has Kelsey knocks on the guest bedroom door while running around to the western hallway in hopes that Kinsey and everyone inside try to escape that way.

It has the desired effect as Mindy and Kinsey give worried looks towards the main hallway door and finish their preparations to move out. They get Leslie up and ready to move out while both go to the two doors to the guest area and listen intently. Thankfully for Hillary, the heat has turned on and is just enough to cover her sound of slowly sneaking up the western hallway. Kinsey and Mindy don't rush however, taking their time to make 100% sure the coast is clear.

Amanda and Dana hear Hillary's distraction as well and act much in the same way as Mindy and Kinsey. Amanda actually cracks open the door to the main hallway and spots Hillary retreating to the living room with some woman she can't recognize in a slave outfit by the guest room door. Amanda quickly closes the door again. Despite the easy target in the hallway, it is obviously some sort of trap by Hillary so she decides to steer clear. Amanda immediately leads the way towards the eastern hallway. Rebecca is moving slowly however so the two have to stop and punish her some more before getting her to move unable to accept the fact that their punishment in the first place is why she is having a hard time walking behind them.

Meanwhile in the kitchen things devolve back into another wrestling match, but a pathetic one at that. Melissa breaks free of the shoddy rope-man-ship of Alyssa to try to scurry away just to get caught up in her handcuffs and dragged back by Alyssa. Both women are a bit spent after some intense orgasms and can't manage to put their best foot forward in the fight. Despite Alyssa having the upper hand in both position and weight, along with Melissa literally being handcuffed, the scrappy redhead is still managing to slowly squirm away. The two both find themselves too busy to look around for trouble, too concentrated on each other.

Finally Lena and Cameron make their move opening the side door to the eastern hallway and rushing in well armed for the occasion. Since both had stayed and looted in the middle at the beginning, and both had the entire first part of the battle royale to search for a black bag outside, they are more than a little prepared. Melissa and Alyssa cry out in alarm as the two rush into the kitchen from the hallway and immediately nab the two. Neither put up much of a fight after expending all of their energy on each other and are quickly restrained and drug out into the back yard next to the hot tub. They thankfully manage to avoid any eyes as everyone else is distracted elsewhere.

Hearing several doors open, commotion in the kitchen and the living room, and hearing the commotion in the main hallway, Amanda and Dana finally venture out to get in on some of the action. Knowing action happened somewhere in the eastern hallway the two hope to corner anyone that went down into the basement and head down in force ready to grab someone. Unfortunately, no one headed that way so Amanda takes the time to look around for any items while Dana has a bit of fun making out with the reluctant Rebecca. Amanda's search pays off as she manages to find the one tazer hidden in the cabin; an item that surely will come in very useful in the future.

After listening for quite some time Kinsey and Mindy finally make their move and venture out into the western hallway. Since the two are more on the passive side Hillary's ploy of making them go the opposite direction of the noise and commotion pays off. Hillary springs from her hiding spot and immediately grapples Kinsey, the first out the door. The two wrestle, Kinsey putting up a better fight than Hillary expected and the two crash to the floor with Kelsey watching hesitantly a little down the hallway. Mindy rushes out with Leslie and freaks out a bit, not of much use in a physical fight. She tries to help Kinsey regardless but Leslie tries to escape towards the office taking advantage of the situation despite still being restrained. Hillary easily handles Mindy's help and starts to go after her instead of Kinsey finding her to be the much easier target. The two are good friends however so Kinsey, squandering her chance to escape, leaps back on Hillary trying to help out Mindy.

The three wrestle for a good bit of time before Hillary has to turn her attention completely back to Kinsey which lets Mindy escape to her dismay. Scared of being captured and knowing she isn't much help Mindy makes the tough decision to run making her way after Leslie towards the office. Leslie has made it into the office and is trying to hide before Mindy catches up. Mindy catches her before she can manage it and is glad that the two chaining Leslie's ankles together so she can only walk slowly. Leslie is not thrilled at all of being caught again but gives up struggling under Mindy's control. Mindy gives a guilty look down the hallway as she sees Hillary turning the tables on Kinsey feeling bad that she can't help her friend. Unfortunately she was only getting in the way.

Sure enough Hillary is the better athlete and while Kinsey puts up a hell of a fight she eventually loses out to the competitive blonde. After a very rough time of getting restrained Kinsey is dragged down the hallway where Hillary picks up her former slave of Kelsey who waited patiently not wanting to get on Hillary's bad side. Her good side is bad enough. Not wasting any time Hillary brings both onto the west couch having to toss Kinsey a bit roughly, before pressing the lock-in button on the game. Immediately the game speaks through the intercom system of the cabin. "The first team has been decided. The first mistress is Hillary claiming both Kelsey and Kinsey. These three players are locked in and can no longer participate in the Battle Royale. Three teams remain to be determined." Kinsey gives a cry of despair realizing that she is locked in under Hillary despite having more fight left in her.

Feeling safer outside now that Hillary is out of the picture, Cameron and Lena finally have fun with Alyssa and Melissa well under their control at this point. They start to roughly dominate Alyssa, both having good reason to go hard on her, while they toss Melissa retrained out into the snow to endure it while they have their fun. Alyssa gets absolutely destroyed in several ways before they go back for Melissa. Lena gets Alyssa into a tough slave outfit while Cameron rescues Melissa to the hot tub and has some fun with her. Eventually they swap and Lena has fun with Melissa while Cameron dominates and rides Alyssa around the porch for a while. Eventually, with their fun done, the two gather their slaves looking forward to capturing more women.

Amanda and Dana, after finding the sole tazer in the basement, lead Rebecca back upstairs after the announcement and continue searching for prey. They rush to the laundry room but don't find anyone and after a peak into the kitchen are disappointed that there isn't anyone there as well. The two realize that whatever commotion they heard around here earlier has moved on and decide to double back through the master bedroom towards the main hallway hoping to have better luck in Part 3 of the Battle Royale.

Finally locked in Hillary gives Kinsey hell. The nerdy yet athletic woman does not give in easily and takes a good bit of breaking in from the athletic blonde. Good for her, she is quite up for the task and by the time Part 2 of the Battle Royale is finished Kinsey has been beaten down into submission after some hard fucking, some hard punishment, and some tough love. The entire time Hillary keeps Kelsey occupied by pleasing the two while making her endure various bondage equipment not letting Kelsey get off easy despite being good and not running earlier. Kelsey hopes to find a way out from under Hillary as soon as possible once the real game starts. Round 2 of the Battle Royale ends. You can read the more detailed stories of these three events below or simply move onto Round 3 of the battle royale.

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