Hoboken Steve 2 1 1 1 1

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 02:57, 3 August 2010 by Nalanhata (Talk | contribs)
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You point your guns at the bloodied thug's head as he stares you in the eye, enraged and fearful, but apparently unable to defend himself. However, a pull of either trigger rewards you with nothing but clicks. You only had one bullet!

Seeing his opportunity, the man makes a mad dash and tackles you. You grapple with him, but find yourself unable to hold off the heavily-built hoodlum. He pulls a bicycle chain, which he's been clutching since you first encountered the gang, around your neck. Using all of your adrenaline-bolstered strength, you manage to hold the chain back just enough for you to breathe, but the stress of your opponent's assault proves too formidable, and your windpipe is broken. The man stumbles away, bleeding out, leaving you floundering about like a headless chicken for a few moments before you suffocate.

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