-‘I will die,’ she thought, ‘but I don’t want to, I have to keep on.’

From Create Your Own Story

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'I will die,' she thought 'but I don’t want to, I have to keep on.'

She opened her eyes and without knowing how she was able to do it, she got on her staggering foott and started walking again. She had no idea where she got that power from but she couldn’t control her foott anymore.

She had been walking for hours, even the sun already was rising from behind the mountains, and she didn’t knew where she was going, she couldn’t feel anything anymore, and after she came out of the forest she had been walking through for a lot of time, there came a big, white castle in sight. She was surprised to see something that beautyful and out of nowhere her sense of life came back, she screamed, the pain was to strong, and she fainted, again…

When she woke up again she didn’t feel the cold anymore, although the hunger and the pain were still there, but what she found out to be strange was that she was lying on something soft, warm and dry.

'Where am I?' she thought, 'I can hear voices, did someone find me?'

Loli opened her drowsy eyes a bit and saw that she was lying on a bed and that some people were standing around her.

"Look, she’s waking up" a young woman's voice said somewhat excited.

What will Loli ask first?:

-“Where am I?”

-"Who are you?"

-"Am I dead?"

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