Train up Koromon

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 20:35, 27 September 2009 by OminousFlare (Talk | contribs)
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You decide to give Koromon a little training course. The only thing it has fought so far was a kitten the size of your fist - the size of a five year old's fist. Most of the Chosen Children on your teams already have their partner Digimon evolved into the Child Stage, while you linger behind with the rest. This must not be so! You are Yagami Taiyou, the son of the 'Bearer of Courage' and partner of War Greymon!

"Let's go, Koromon!" you command with a fighting spirit, both your fists raised up to your face. "We need to get you big and strong to fight the bad guys!"

Koromon nods its head (that's basically its body, too) with equal enthusiasm. It follows you as you run across the streets of Toy Town, past the occasional marching toy soldiers and wind-up dolls. As you watch these toys run past by, you decide that maybe one of them could be a useful training target for Koromon.

Get Koromon to attack the:

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