Returning to his seat, you wait till later to talk more, M

From Create Your Own Story

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As Alex slid back into his seat, you could feel the tension in the air, thick and palpable. He sensed it too, and his usual cheeky, cocky demeanor began to dissipate like fog under a rising sun. "Not a fan of the fire and the tricks, eh?" he asked, trying to lighten the mood.

Tyler mustered a half-smile, her eyes not quite meeting his, as if she were making an effort to regain her own energy. The weight of what had just been said about Johnson seemed to hang over the room, unspoken but undeniably present.

Time slipped by, and before you knew it, the four of you gathered around the kitchen counter late at night. Nathan had cooked spaghetti, the aroma of garlic and tomato sauce filling the air as he set the steaming pot down. Despite the comforting smell, the atmosphere still held a hint of uneasiness. Nathan was blissfully unaware of the brewing storm, his focus on the meal and the satisfaction of feeding his loved ones.

As you twirled your fork around the strands of spaghetti, you found yourself unable to shake the worry that had settled in your chest since the earlier conversation. You glanced at Alex, who was quieter than usual, his eyes distant. Tyler's gaze flitted between you both, her lips pressed together in concern.

"Hey, Nathan," Alex said, attempting to be casual as he took a bite of spaghetti. "You've really outdone yourself with this."

"Thanks," Nathan replied, a proud grin spreading across his face. The compliment seemed to ease some of the tension, but it lingered, a stubborn cloud refusing to dissipate.

"Seriously, it's delicious," you chimed in, echoing Alex's sentiment. Nathan swallowed, making a brief "oh" as he

"Alex, seriously? Your socks on the bathroom floor again?"

"Oops, my bad," Alex replied with a lazy grin, popping another forkful of spaghetti into his mouth. You could see the playful spark in his eye as he teased his older brother.

"Can you at least try to keep the place tidy?" Nathan huffed, his fingers drumming against the countertop, poised to launch into a full-blown rant about cleanliness.

"Hey," Tyler interrupted, her voice barely above a whisper. Her fingers fidgeted with the corner of her napkin, betraying her nervousness. "Is he taking advantage of you?"

Stay quiet, let the siblings do the talking this time

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