Quickly, Run to transfiguration class

From Create Your Own Story

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You and Alex arrived at Madam's transfiguration lesson, panting for breath and dog tired. You slumped against the heavy wooden door, pushing it open with a creak. As you stumbled into your seats, you noticed Tyler had saved spots for both of you near the front of the class. You claimed them sheepishly, your cheeks flushing as the other students turned to look.

"Wow," Tyler giggled, eyeing your disheveled states. "You guys look like you ran a marathon."

"Something like that," you mumbled, avoiding her gaze. She had no idea about Alex's actions, and you preferred to keep it that way. The teacher, a kind but old-fashioned woman, shot Tyler a stern look, and she obediently fell silent.

You sat down, still catching your breath, and glanced over at Alex. He had settled in much faster than you, lounging in his seat with an easy smile directed at his sister. His relaxed demeanor puzzled you. How could he be so put together after having his head between people's legs not even an hour before? The memory of him going down on Mr. Johnson and leaving you in such a state made your heart race.

"Isn't he the best?" Tyler whispered, nudging your side playfully and distracting you from your thoughts. Her enthusiasm was infectious, and you couldn't help but smile. "Alright, class," the teacher called out, her voice booming in the room. "I need a volunteer for our first demonstration." Tyler's eyes lit up, and she nodded excitedly towards Alex, urging him to raise his hand.

"Go on," you muttered, giving Alex a gentle nudge.

"Me?" he asked, the lazy grin on his face betraying no hint of the secrets he held. Tyler nodded silently, her eyes giddy with anticipation. With a teasing sigh, Alex raised his hand, and pushed himself out of his chair to be the volunteer Madam had asked for.As

"Very well," the teacher said, beckoning him forward. "Come up here, Alex."

As he stood and made his way to the front of the classroom, you couldn't help but marvel at his ability to switch gears so effortlessly. There was no hint of what had transpired earlier aside from the pop of his collar, and yet, it lingered in your mind like a secret you couldn't shake off. You refocused on the lesson, knowing that dwelling on it wouldn't change anything. But as the class continued, you found yourself stealing glances at Alex, wondering what else he might be hiding behind that charming smile.

Watch Alex as he helps out with the transfiguration lesson

While Alex is up front, you ask Tyler if she knows much about Alex's relationship with Mr. Johnson

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