Sure, you could do a study session, why not?, M

From Create Your Own Story

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You couldn't help but feel a swell of pride at her request, even if you were just a last resort, the fact you were capable enough to be asked in the first place was tangible. "Of course," you replied, trying to maintain a calm demeanor despite the excitement bubbling within you. "I'd be more than happy to help you out with the material."

"Amazing! Thank you so much for accepting. We can meet at the library tonight, most people don't bother to take advantage of its night passes, but it would be perfect for us to get some work done. I have a room booked already under the name Ivory Thorn, top floor, if you get lost you can call me"

Tearing a piece of paper at the corner, Ivory fishes in her pocket for a quill, an ink pott not far behind as she dips it and scrawls her phone number on the parchment piece. Her laptop, which had been balancing between her legs, shifted slightly as she replaced everything back into her pockets.

As Ivory handed you the piece of parchment, a spark of electricity passed between your fingers, sending a shiver down your spine.

"Oh! Sorry!" She quickly pulls her hand back and swipes her palm on her dress, "My magic comes from electricity. Hence the lack of shoes - I tend to give people shocks on accident fairly often"

As Ivory hands you the paper with her phone number, you can't help but notice the intricate design of her handwriting. The curves and loops of each letter are reminiscent of flowing vines, intertwining to create a piece of art on the parchment. The ink itself seems to shimmer in the dim light, as if it holds a secret magic of its own. You chuckle deeply, waving away her concerns.

"No harm no foul, it didn't really hurt"

Just before Ivory has chance to leave for lunch, ask her if Tyler can come too

Thank Ivory for her number and promise to meet her later that nigh

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