Laugh at him for doing it wrong

From Create Your Own Story

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The more you watch him make a mess of the potion, the harder it is to control your laughing. Eventually your openly laughing at just how impatient he's being with the whole thing, being obvious enough to draw his attention. He's glaring daggers at you from his spot in the kitchen, and that just causes you to giggle more. By the time he snaps, asking angrily what's so funny, you're holding yourself up on the counter trying your best to stop and failing miserably.

He scrunches up his nose at you and whirls back round, doubling his efforts to make the potion, taking most of his frustration out on the ingredients. He leaves you watching from the side lines, as he searches the house for something or the other, then comes back with two rocks. He continues with his stirring.

"So, what are you trying to make anyway?" You ask, still giggling every time he makes a mistake.

"If you have to know, I'm making a happiness potion for class. Not that you care" - you calm down enough to notice you might have hurt his feelings.

"Aww I'm sorry Nathe, it's just, you're usually so calm and collected, it was new seeing you get so riled up" - perhaps that wasn't entirely true, but it helps ease his temper. He looks over at you, trying to figure out of you're just making fun of him or not and then decides you aren't.

"It's a lot harder than it looks" He defends himself.

"I'm sure it is"

"It is"

He bottles up the contents, ready for class.

"Maybe we should try some? Just to check it actually works?" You offer. You'd only ever tried bottled happiness once before, but that once was enough to know it was amazing. The taste was divine, and you knew how people managed to get addicted to the stuff. In fairness, you probably would be too if you could afford it.

Nathan goes to protest but:

Insist you should try his home-made bottled happiness

Fine, don't try the bottled happiness

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