Laugh at him for doing it wrong M

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The more you observed Nathan's attempt at potion-making, the more difficult it became to stifle your laughter. His impatience with the process was evident, and your amusement escalated to the point where you found yourself openly guffawing. The audible mirth drew his ire, and a glare sharp enough to cut glass was directed your way. Unabated, your laughter continued, reaching a point where you had to brace yourself against the counter, failing miserably at regaining composure.

His frustration peaked, and with an angry demand of what was so amusing, you were left clinging to the counter, struggling to control your giggles.

Scoffing, he scrunches his nose in irritation and whirls back to the potion-making, seemingly doubling his efforts while venting his pent-up frustration on the innocent ingredients. From the sidelines, you watched as he scoured the house for something, returning with two rocks that he incorporated into the stirring process.

Curiosity piqued, you inquired amidst sporadic fits of laughter, "So, what are you attempting to create, anyway?"

Rolling his eyes, Nathan retorted, "If you must know, I'm brewing a happiness potion for class. Not that you care." A moment of realization struck, and you sensed that your earlier amusement might have inadvertently wounded his pride.

"Aww, I'm sorry, Nathe. It's're usually the epitome of calm and collected. It was genuinely novel seeing you riled up," you confessed, the tone of genuine apology taking the edge off his annoyance. His gaze lingered on you, scrutinizing whether your words held sincerity or mockery. Satisfied that it was the former, he relented.

"It's a lot harder than it looks," he defended, completing the bottling process with an air of accomplishment.

"I'm sure it is," you replied, a subtle teasing quality in your tone. Your arms fold over your chest, shoulders tensing as you try to peak once more at the contents he now carried.

He eyed the bottled contents, preparing for class, but before he could object, you interjected, "Maybe we should sample some? Just to ensure it actually works." Despite having experienced the magic of bottled happiness once before, the idea of indulging in its divine taste proved enticing. You were well aware of how people could easily become addicted to such a delightful elixir.

While Nathan seemed on the brink of protest,

Insist that you should both try the freshly brewed happiness

Relent, don't try the bottled happiness

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