D&D: HFF: Move inside the forest now

From Create Your Own Story

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After a moment of rest, you decide the best course of action would be to make good use out of the last hour of sunlight by exploring the edge of the forest. You sweep the sweat off your brow, drink a bit of water out of your flask and rest one hand on the handle of your axe while walking between the branches of the first trees.

Everything casts a long shadow and your human senses aren’t well suited to the dark so you start moving slightly faster, determined to find at least something, anything useful to make this day feel more meaningful before you sleep for the night. You recall the words of the woman who trained you. “Don’t rush head first into danger, warriors are bound to find danger either way”. Well, what did she know, she was stuck in the city working as a trainer in a second class fencing school, if this goes well you will find this treasure and live like a noble.

The forest feels calm, full of strong natural aromas, beautiful flowers and lively small creatures. The air is soft and cooler than before, a welcome change after all these days of walking under the sun. You make a mental note to sleep with a light bed sheet if you make camp under the trees.

The time passes without any significant event and the light fades somewhere in horizon behind you, the sun completely concealed by the trees for a while now. It’s increasingly more difficult to see, so you take a final step and take a good look of the terrain around you. You are pretty sure you remember the exact path you took in case you want to go back to the edge of the forest and rest there. You think you can smell the faint aroma of burning wood somewhere, not too far from here, a sign that someone is possibly cooking before making camp in this woods? You haven’t seen any signs of civilized life so far but it wouldn’t be impossible. Lastly, you consider pressing on just a little bit more. It would be hard to see and it would take you even further from the option of resting outside the forest but you are too excited to give up on this day just yet.

You could head back to the edge of the forest and

D&D: HFF: Rest until morning or

D&D: HFF: Look for the source of the campfire

D&D: HFF: Dare to explore further in the dark

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