TFA: Inquire about the device she was using

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 01:07, 12 May 2022 by Rico (Talk | contribs)

"Oh this?" She presents the once vibrating gadget. Studying it closely with your photo-receptors, you recognize it's phallic shape. Yet the device in her hand was nothing like the cheap dildo you carry to satisfy Resistance Flygirls. This one was chromed, almost ceremonial, with rings of ancient inscriptions etched into it. Within you pick up an energy, "This is one of our most holy of artifacts...

"In the eons past the Jedi wielded light-sabers, but those elegant weapons weren't their only tools. The Jedi had many roles as they followed the will of the force. While most were keepers of peace, some chose to be bringers of pleasure, opening themselves, and others, to the brink of euphoric enlightenment. This was the instrument of their worship: the Lightbrator"

Kinda silly but you'll go with it. You can't help but feel the device call to you in a way you've never processed before. Suddenly Dasha's expression saddens,

"I've devoted my life to communing with the force but I'm no Jedi. They would travel the galaxy, sharing their bodies with others, using this to awaken the force in those open to its euphoric bliss."

She sighs, "My village needs me and I can't bring myself to part with Taunul. I fear I cannot fufill this task. "

Do you have any suggestions?

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
The Force Awakens

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