Just finish up with the shower

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 05:12, 27 April 2022 by Victus (Talk | contribs)
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...Maybe you shouldn't make a mess in his shower.

Finishing up you step out and start to dry yourself off, you hadn't really considered it before but your fur is incredibly soft and smooth... guess it could have been the shampoo.

You realize that you don't have any clothes to where now as all you had is covered in cum now, you start looking for another towel to wrap yourself in when you notice a few clothes next to the door... Purple and black striped panties, Stripped thigh highs of the same color, stripped arm warmers, and an overly large black hoodie just enough to cover your ass... and of course no bottoms...

Having nothing else you slip them on and head out to find the kitchen.

You follow the smell of bacon and eggs to the kitchen, rounding the corner you see Vince just sliding the last egg onto a plate. He turns and upon seeing you smiles and reveals two plates while carrying them over to the table.

"Didn't know how you liked your eggs so I made them just over easy." he says setting the plates down, taking a seat you tell him that's fine.

"Well that's a relief I wasn't about to make more of them" he says with a chuckle. "So like the clothes?"

"Yeah I'm just surprised at how comfy they are" You say feeling the fabric on your arms.

"Well good because your keeping them." You blink in surprise. "Felt like you deserved something nice after such a fun night." He says smiling and penetrating your eyes with his own, you blush and glance away.

You both enjoy your breakfast and talk about various subject's.

"So your really new to this whole thing?" He asks after you mention that you only just started exploring becoming a sissy.

"Yeah it was pretty sudden and happened pretty fast... until last night I thought I was as straight as can be..." you tell him reflecting on your recent conclusion.

He lets out a chuckle "Well I must've been one hell of a wake up call" You give a girlish giggle, he smiles "But I for one am glad to have been that wake up call."

After breakfast he decides to take you home, you both hop into his car and start heading for your place after giving your address.

"So what got you interested in the first place?" He asks...

Tell him the whole story

Tell him you were just curious

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:

Striped panties, Stripped thigh highs, Stripped arm warmers, Large black hoodie

Gender Sissy Male
Species Fox
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